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Writing at St Paul's


We are very proud to have an engaging curriculum that is underpinned by quality texts. Each class has a focus text each half term to support our curriculum connectors: Native Narratives, Factual Footprints, Amazing Asia, Treasured Tales, Historical Heroes and Hoddlesden Globe.


In Amazing Asia and Hoddlesden Globe, each class has the same focus text, which is a fantastic opportunity to showcase progression across school. These texts are on a two-year cycle. Our Amazing Asia texts are The Jungle Book and Mulan. Hoddlesden Globe is a Shakespeare focus alternating between Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This unit has been designed to enhance performance opportunities and oracy skills.


Our curriculum overviews show the range of written outcomes that our children produce throughout the year and throughout their time at St Paul’s. In each unit, classes produce a fiction outcome and a non-fiction outcome as well as having plenty of opportunities to explore poetry throughout the year.

Teaching Sequence

Progression in Writing


At Hoddlesden St Paul's CEP School and Nursery we are using the Lancashire’s Key Learning to support with the  planning and sequencing children's progression and learning gains. These are key learning statements which;


  • support teachers' planning and address gaps in learning
  • help teachers focus on where children are in their learning
  • guide teachers' judgements as to whether children are on track to meet year group expectations and how much progress is being made over time


The underlined statements are considered as essential aspects for children to understand if the final year group expectations are to be met.

Handwriting Policy

World Book Day Writing 2024

Black History Month Writing

Writing outcomes (Autumn 1 2024)

Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
