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Curriculum Enrichment Impact 
September 2024


This half term at St. Paul’s Hoddlesden has been marked by a diverse range of enrichment activities that have significantly enhanced our children’s educational experience. The visits from the Life Education team and Fire Services provided essential knowledge about health, safety, and community engagement, fostering a sense of responsibility among our pupils.

The engaging science shows on forces for Years 3 and 5 not only sparked curiosity and enthusiasm for learning but also provided hands-on demonstrations that brought complex concepts to life, encouraging pupils to ask questions, think critically, and explore the principles of science in a fun and interactive way.

The Year 6 activities at Robin Wood not only provided thrilling adventures but also fostered teamwork, resilience, and personal growth, allowing our pupils to build lasting memories and strengthen friendships through shared challenges and experiences in a natural setting.

Hands-on experiences, such as the Sukkah building in Year 1 and Year 3, have deepened children’s understanding of cultural diversity and traditions, promoting inclusivity and respect. Reverend Ben’s contributions to worship and RE lessons have enriched the spiritual dimension of our curriculum, allowing children to reflect on their values and beliefs. Year 3 did a fantastic job leading the worship for Harvest, beautifully highlighting the importance of gratitude and community while sharing their insights on the significance of the season with the entire school.

The Interfaith Panel enriched our pupils' understanding of Christianity and Buddhism by offering insightful perspectives and fostering meaningful discussions that encouraged respect, curiosity, and appreciation for different beliefs and practices.

During outdoor learning, our children enjoyed whittling sticks, building shelters, and reading books by the fire, activities that not only honed their practical skills but also fostered creativity, collaboration, and a love for storytelling in a beautiful natural setting.

Furthermore, the visit from Professor Slime served as an effective reward for positive behaviour across school, reinforcing our commitment to fostering a supportive and encouraging school environment.

Finally, the trip to Brungerley Sculpture Park for Years 2 and 3 inspired creativity and a greater appreciation for art and nature.

Overall, these enrichment activities have not only enhanced academic learning but also supported the holistic development of our children, equipping them with essential life skills and a broader understanding of the world around them.


Enrichment Autumn 1.mp4

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Science Show September 2024

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Year 4 Canoeing

West End in Schools visit for World Book Day


The whole school enjoyed a visit from West End in Schools on Monday, 7th March. Each class took part in a Bringing Books to Life dance workshop and enjoyed using dance and movement to tell a story!


Poetry Tour visit


The children had an inspiring day on the 23rd February immersing themselves in poetry, reading and drama with visiting Poet and Specialist Poetry Teacher, Andy Tooze.

Jasper Cherry

What an amazing opportunity for all our children and staff in and out of school to experience. Jasper Cherry - Magician you are a true professional & had our children on the edge of their seats! 


Even in these strange times we can still inspire, encourage & motivate children and young people to reach for the stars. All our class bubbles loved it and each had a small group of children who asked superb questions- a great set up. Well done Hoddlesden St Paul’s!


National Poetry Day 

This year's National Poetry Day theme was vision. We read some poems and enjoyed performing them or writing our own version of the poem. Watch our performances here.

Year 6 Poems (based on a model)

Blackburn Virtual Children's Literature Festival

On 17th and 18th of September, we took part in the Blackburn Virtual Children's Literature Festival. We logged into interactive sessions with authors and poets who entertained us with their writing!

World Book Day Workshops - The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

This year, our World Book Day workshops were planned and delivered by our very own Miss Warburton! The EYFS and KS1 children enjoyed a dance workshop, while the KS2 children took part in a drama session. The children had a fantastic time exercising their performing arts skills, focusing on the text The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. The message at the heart of the story is to look after our planet!

EYFS and KS1 Dance Workshop


This half we really want to develop children's resilience and perseverance through problem solving and teamwork! We are going to focus on these attributes and values through STEM. To immerse the children into the many careers and achievements they can gain through STEM we began the half term with a STEM day! KS1 and KS2 took on the challenges and problems from Fairytale Land and came up with scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical solutions for them! It was also a great way to introduce the children to our new theme, 'Treasured Tales'. Have a look at all the skills the children were using over the day and will continue to use in the future!  

Martial Arts Workshop 

As part of our Amazing Asia whole-school theme, we have enjoyed a Martial Arts Workshop!  We learnt that martial arts are practiced for many reasons: fighting, self-defense, sport, self-expression, discipline, confidence, fitness, relaxing and meditation. We learnt different techniques and skills that are used in various martial arts.



Year 4

The Jungle Book Workshop


As part of our Amazing Asia whole-school topic, we have enjoyed a workshop based on The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling! KS1 has taken part in a dance workshop and KS2 has focused on drama. We explored the characters through dance and drama, using team work to create scenes from the story and music using animal noises. We loved it!


Year 1

Year 2

As part of theme Amazing Asia we have been exploring Chinese New Year. To support our learning Mrs King brought in her bearded dragon!

As part of our whole-school Amazing Asia topic, we all took part in a Chinese ribbon dancing session. It was a very colourful and energetic display of ribbons and dancing!

Chinese Ribbon Dancing - Year 5

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As part of our Amazing Asia theme, we have been creating Chinese dragons, using chop sticks, smelling some Asian food fragrances of chill, garlic and soy sauce and we also enjoyed a little celebration of eating noodles and crackers.

We our school nurse come in to talk to us about 'Hand Hygiene' and the importance of it in order to keep ourselves and others healthy! The children learnt lots as well as some very gruesome facts about what might happen if we don't keep them clean!

Black History Month! Year 5 and 6 spent half a day each exploring the equal and civil rights movement in Africa and Apartheid in South Africa through story telling!

African Dance Workshop! EYFS, Year 1, 2, 3, and 4 got to experience African dancing. The children focused on how different movements and sequences are used to tell African myths and legends.

Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
