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2021/22 Our Learning

Hoddlesden Globe!

Summer 2 Week 6


We have had a fantastic last full week in Year 1! We have continued to explore ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ in English. We became actors and actresses and created a story whoosh using our amazing acting skills! 🎭 In Maths, we have recapped our multiplication and division skills and showed great perseverance skills. In Science, we helped to clean the beaches and became litter pickers. We had to sort the different rubbish into the right bins according to what materials they were made from. In History, we learnt about what school was like in the 1950s. In RE, we created poster about protecting the environment. We got to meet our new teacher, Mrs Scholes, and told her all about our favourite books. We had a great visit from Dogs Trust and learnt the 5 rules for keeping dogs safe! It has been a very busy week and we have all been superstars! 👏⭐️😊

Summer 2 Week 4


We have had a super week in Year 1! In English, we finished retelling our stories, then researched facts about bees so that we can make our posters on Monday. In Maths, we have been telling time to the half hour and comparing times, we were absolutely amazing at this! In History, we explored toys from the 1950s and created a fact file about how them. In Science, we investigated which material was best for keeping water the coolest. In Computing, we continued to explore scratch and created a sequence of instructions. In Music, we listened to and enjoyed “Alice the Camel”. In PE, we created our own games in teams using different types of equipment. In RE, we sequenced the Creation Story and retold it in our own words. In DT, we continued making our puppets. We cut and joined our fabric, and thought about the placement of our embellishments. What a fab week Year 1! 😊⭐️

Summer 2 Week 3


Well done for another brilliant week Year 1! In English, we have sequenced our story and retold it using actions to help us. We have started retelling the story in our own words and we’re doing a fab job! In Maths, we have started learning about Time. We have explored different dates and sequencing before and after events. We have then been learning to tell the time to the hour, using the clocks to help us. We had great perseverance! In History, we looked at household items from the 1950s and compared them to the items we use now. In Science, we discussed what the weather is like at the seaside - sometimes it can be hot but sometimes it can be a bit chilly. We then discussed different pieces of clothes and the materials they were made from and decided what we would pack for a hot day at the seaside. In PSHE, we discussed looking after babies and what they need help with. A lot of us have baby brothers or sisters, so we were super at this! In DT we started to make our puppets and they are looking fantastic! In PE, we used the hula hoops to create games that we could use at lunch times or at home. What a brilliant week we’ve had in Year 1! 👏🌟

Summer 2 Week 2


Another great week in Year 1! In English, we have started looking at our new focus text “Winnie the Pooh Helps the Bees”. We have listen to and enjoyed the story and given our opinion about it by creating a book review. We have then created a character description for Christopher Robin using super adjectives! In Maths, we have been exploring numbers to 100, comparing them and finding one more/one less. In Science, we have explored seasonal change and discussed what we wear in summer to keep us safe. We then drew pictures of us in the summer time. In History, we had a very special visitor come in and talk to us about childhood in the 1950s - Mrs Gottweiss’ mummy! She talked to us all about her school and her home and brought in some lovely photographs. We then asked her some amazing questions, such as “what was your playground like?” “What were your clothes like?” In RE, we explored the Creation Story and got to create our own wonderful things. In PSHE, we explored our wonderful body and discussed the parts inside that we can’t see. We then went outside, drew around our friends and placed our organs in the right places! We have then had lots of fun during our OAL session, working well as a team! Well done Year 1, what another super week we’ve had ⭐️👏

Summer 2 Week 1


We have had a super first week back in Year 1 celebrating the Queens Platinum Jubilee! During our maths learning, we have explored coins and notes, and we recognised that the Queen’s face is on our money. In English, we have researched what the Jubilee is and which one we are celebrating, and have created invites for our family and friends for the Jubilee picnic we had. We discussed what a coronation is and the day the Queen was coronated. We knew there would have been lots of street parties, so we decided to make some scones! We looked at the Queen’s family and created her family tree. The decade we were focusing on was 2000-2010. We have also looked at different toys from this decade and created a fact file for our favourite one. We have created timelines of the Queen’s reign. We have looked at TV’s in the 2000’s and have listened to and enjoyed different music from this decade as well. 


We also enjoyed a lovely Jubilee picnic with our families and watched the Mayor open up our very special Jubilee Garden! 👑🌳


What a super first week back, well done Year 1!🌟

Historical Heroes!

Summer 1 Week 6


What a great final week of term we have had in Year 1! In English, we have continued to retell an episode of Thomas the Tank engine and then innovated part of the story. In maths, we have been working with number within 100! In science, we compared invertebrates to humans, using everything we have learnt about invertebrates this term. In history, we discussed why it is important to remember key events in history and then created a commemorative train for the Rainhill Trials. In DT we evaluated our trains. And on Tuesday, we all took part in our Sports Day! Everyone tried their best and had great sportsmanship! We are very proud of you all, well done Year 1! ⭐️😁🏃


You can see our super music day video by following the link:

Y1/2 music day May 2022 | Hoddlesden St Paul's Church of England Primary School (

Summer 1 Week 5


We have had a super week in Year 1! In English, we have been trying to persuade the Fat Controller to buy our trains! We have then retold a story from Thomas the Tank Engine. In maths, we have been learning about turns and positions, showing great perseverance! In History, we looked at a picture from the Rainhill Trials and wrote down questions we would want to ask about that day. In science, we created a Top Trumps card for our favourite invertebrate that we spotted on last weeks Safari Hunt. In art, we have experimented with different types of media and worked on our precision, by trying to stay in the lines. In DT we had lots of fun decorating our trains! In PE, we continued to practice our athletics skills and took part in some races in preparation for Sports Day next week! We have had a fantastic week, well done Year 1! 🌟👏

Summer 1 Week 4


We have had a brilliant week in Year 1 this week! In English, we have written our instructions to trap a train so we now have our own pet trains! We then began to look at persuasive writing to try and convince the Fat Controller to buy us as his new train! In maths, we have continued to look at fractions by finding halves and quarters. We then discussed finding the whole when we know what half or a quarter of it is. We have had great perseverance this week in maths! In science, we recapped what an invertebrate was and then went hunting for them in the paddock! We took our magnifying glasses and an observation sheet and found lots of amazing invertebrates! In history, we discussed how planes have changed the world and what people would have thought when they saw the first plane fly. In art, we explored making different shades of green using the primary colours blue and yellow. In DT we started to make our train! We had so much fun putting the axels and wheels on our trains. In PSHE we discussed things that we have learnt to do and that we are proud of. In PE we continued to our athletics learning and practised some races ready for Sports Day. Well done Year 1, super learning this week!🌟😊👏

Summer 1 Week 3


What a super week we’ve had in Year 1! In English, we have been researching about trains and writing a script for a TV show about train, which we have filmed using the green screen! In maths, we have been exploring halves and quarters. We have been super at sharing equally to make sure it is fair. In Science, we discussed what an invertebrate is and looked at the features of them. In history, we discussed the parts of the Flyer aeroplane and the modern aeroplane, then thought of similarities and differences between the two planes. In DT we have continued to explore wheels and axels and have started to think of our own designs. In RE we have explored Christenings and discussed the promises our Godparents make. We have continued to practice our athletics skills in PE in readiness for sports day! Well done Year 1, another fantastic week!🌟😊

Summer 1 Week 2


We have had a super week in Year 1! In English, we have researched how to care for dogs, explored the features of a guide and created our own guides to inform people how to look after dogs! In maths, we have been super mathematicians by exploring making equal groups and sharing equal groups. In science, we discussed what season we are in and the changes that occur. In history, we discussed the first successful flight and the Wright brothers, who invented that aeroplane. We then watched an original video of the Wright brothers flying their plane. In computing, we learnt about using the computer to write, using word to explore the keyboard. In art, we focused on printing. We used Lego pieces to create different patterns. In DT, we explored what made a successful moving wheel. In PE, we are focusing on athletics and we were all superstars! Well done Year 1 for working so hard this week!⭐️😊

Summer 1 Week 1


What a super first week back we’ve had in Year 1! To start off our week, we had our Outdoor Adventurous Learning session which was fantastic! We all enjoyed going on a bug hunt looking for different mini-beasts. We then made our own bug hotels for the mini-beasts to live in! In English, we have started our new learning by exploring how to look after a pet. We looked at pictures of our own pets and then had a lovely visiter, who was a vet, come in with her dog to discuss caring for pets. In maths, we have explored finding a missing number in a number sentence. In RE we discussed the idea of ‘belonging’ by talking about our families, belonging to school and to God. We then created our own family tree. In DT we have begun to look at wheels and axels, exploring how a wheel moves. What a super first week back we have had in Year 1!🌟

Treasured Tales!

Spring 2 Week 6


We have had a super lat week of term in Year 1! In English, we have planned and written our letter to the Queen. These will posted to Her Majesty and you will hopefully receive a reply to your homes - how exciting!⭐️ In maths, we have recapped our learning about comparing lengths and representing numbers in different ways. In science, we discussed different types of animals and then looked at which animal could be the odd one out and justified our answers. In geography, we looked at 3 large cities and had a conversation about what it would be like to live there. In RE, we have learnt about the Easter story and created our Easter cards. In DT, we finished our moving picture books, by completing our last page of the story. We have all been superstars this half term! We hope you all have a lovely Easter Break! 😊👏🐣

Spring 2 Week 5


We have had another super week in Year 1! In English, we have begun to explore letter writing. A letter was left in our classroom, so we made our predictions about who might have sent it. We then read it together and found out it was from Fantastic Mr Fox! In maths, we have been exploring arrays and making doubles. In science, we explored the habitat of a bird and decided as a class to make bird feeders to entice more birds to school! We also celebrated the Commonwealth Games by watching and cheering as the baton was delivered to school!


This week, we also enjoyed our school trip to Fairhaven Lake this week! We had so much fun becoming Plant Detectives! We created bark rubbings, smelly cocktails, sticky postcards and measured trees. We then went on a Senses Hunt, learning about different birds and their callings and we used our sense of sight and sound as we walked through a secret garden. We even got to feed the swans and geese! We had so much fun on our first school trip! Well done Year 1⭐️😊

Spring 2 Week 4


Another super week in Year 1! In English, we innovated a character in our story and retold it using amazing WOW words! In maths, we have been looking at adding equal groups together, using our knowledge of counting in 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s. In science, we went on a bird watching walk, after we discussed and identified different types of common birds. In geography, we learnt about the climate in Mali and looked at why their houses can be made from mud but why our houses in Hoddlesden cannot. In DT, we continued to make our moving story book. In computing, we looked at giving one object different labels due to its many properties. We also enjoyed watching the Talent Show for Red Nose Day! What a great week we’ve had Year 1! 😊

Spring 2 Week 3


We’ve had another great week in Year 1! In English, we sequenced our story and then retold it using amazing WOW words! Then, we innovated a character and created freeze frames for different parts of our story with our new characters in it. In maths, we have looked at different ways to represent numbers using different maths resources. In science, we went on a nature walk and observed the leaves and plants that we could see. Then, when we got back to the classroom, we researched the plants and leaves that we saw that weren’t on our checklist. In computing, we worked together to group objects around the classroom based on the same properties. In PSHE, we explored our morning routines, then ordered pictures based on our own morning routine. In geography, we visited the Amazon Rainforest and described the Awá tribe - what they looked like and what their houses were like. In DT, we began to make our moving picture book! We created our first page, by making the sliders and then colouring the background and the characters. We were also very lucky to have West End in school to deliver a dance workshop for “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak. We created our own dance, bringing the story to life! We have been superstars this week, well done Year 1!⭐️😊

Spring 2 Week 2


Wow what another exciting week we’ve had! In English, we began to explore our now story “The Frog Prince” which links to our whole school theme Treasured Tales. We have explored different characters and then created a 3D story map to help us retell the story. In maths, we have explored weight, using the scales to  measure and compare different objects. We have also learnt about capacity and volume. In science, we went out to the paddock to observe a tree, then wrote some amazing facts about what we saw. In geography, we made our first trip to the seaside. We discussed what you can hear/see/smell at the seaside and why it is important to stay safe by the water! In DT, we created a plan for out moving story books, ready to start making them next week. In RE, we listened to and re-enacted the story “Palm Sunday” which we all enjoyed. On Wednesday, we went out for our Wild Ones Adventures which was based on our English text “The Frog Prince”. We went through the tunnel by the reservoir after discussing frogs habitats, then hunting for golden balls. And today we all got dressed up for World Book Day. Everyone looked amazing and we had lots of fun looking at everyone’s costumes and discussing which books they are from! What a super week Year 1!⭐️😊

Spring 2 Week 1


What a super first week back we have had in Year 1! In English, we have focused on poetry this week, explored the poet Andy Tooze. We have learnt and performed his poem “My Little Bit of Magic” and then innovated this with our own special things. We were then very lucky to meet him on Wednesday and take part in his amazing poetry workshop. In maths, we have looked at length and height. We were super mathematicians and knew how to measure the length or height of something using non-standard units, such as cubes, or standard units, such as centimetres on a ruler. In science, we enjoyed some outdoor learning, where we went searching for signs of life and looking at the different leaves we could see. We then came back to the classroom and sorted our leaves into groups. This linked nicely with out computing this week, as we began to look at giving objects labels and then grouping them accordingly. In geography, we had a suitcase and discussed that this meant we were going on a journey. To know where our journey started from, we explored our local area and created maps of our local landmarks. In DT, we are working towards making our own moving storybook, so explored pre-existing moving story books and created a success criteria for our own. In RE, we went on a lovely walk around the local area, looking for signs of new life, and then talked about the Easter story. What a super week we’ve had! 😊⭐️

Amazing Asia!

Spring 1 Week 6


We have had a great last week of Spring 1 in Year 1! In English, we continued to write facts about tigers, making a fact poster to inform others. In maths, we continued to learn how to count in 2’s and 5’s, and how to represent numbers within 50 in different ways. In science, we explored the properties of the different materials that we learnt about last week. In PSHE we discussed the PANTS rule, which helps us to remember that our body is ours, how to keep our bodies safe, and who we can go to if we are worried. We then created our own pair of pants which help to protect us. In computing, we discussed Safer Internet Day, by reading a story and then discussing which information is safe to share online and which information should be kept offline. We also explored Children’s Mental Health Week as a class, by discussing how we change as we grow up - physically and emotionally. We then created hot air balloons, with the people who can support us written on them. 


Our Explorer Day


Wow, what an amazing day we had! To begin with, we discussed our journey to the Hainan Island jungle and that it takes 20 hours to get there! We decided that getting on a plane would be best, so we made our boarding passes and then walked to the airport. When we got there, we had our boarding passes stamped and got onto the plane. It was a bumpy ride, but we landed safely in the jungle! Then, following our map, we went for a walk through the jungle, looking for the man village. When we got back, King Louie the orangutang was stopping us from crossing the river, so we distracted him with our phonics bananas. When we finally crossed the river, we created observational drawings of the animals we could see in the jungle. Then, we researched the animals that we had seen in the jungle and wrote some amazing facts about them. We then looked at the huts in the man village and discussed what they were made from and what properties the materials needed to make good huts. Finally, after a very busy day, we wrote a post card home, telling our family and friends what an amazing day we had and the adventures we had been up to. We had so much fun, well done super explorers!⭐️

Spring 1 Week 5


This week has been another fantastic week in year 1! In English, we have innovated our story again by changing our threatening creature to a different animal. We have also researched about tigers and created a fact poster, using our amazing knowledge! In maths we have all been Brave Bananas, by persevering with counting in 2’s and 5’s. We found this tricky at first, but we kept on going and didn’t give up! We now feel more confident with counting in 2’s and 5’s up to 50! In science, we had lots of different objects and discovered the materials they were made from. In geography, we used our positional language to describe where Chinese animals were on a map of China. In PE, we loved our session in gymnastics and we have also continued to look at our tennis techniques, by controlling the ball with our tennis rackets. In PSHE, we discussed what medicine is and how we can stay safe around different types of medicine. In computing, we found out what a sequence was by following one ourselves, dancing to the Cha-Cha Slide. We then used the Bee Bots to input a given sequence and command, to make to Bee Bots create a shape. What another brilliant week we have had, well done!⭐️

Spring 1 Week 4


We have had another fantastic week in Year 1! In English, we have learnt actions to help us retell our story ‘The Jungle Book’. We then innovated our story by choosing a new frightening animal, then retold our story in our own words. In maths, we have started to explore numbers within 50! We have been super mathematicians when looking at the place value of a number and using our amazing knowledge to help us solve tricky problems. In science, we discussed what carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores are, then sorted different animals into the right groups based on what they eat. In geography, we explored what a compass was and the 4 points - North, South, East, West. We then used our directional skills to navigate around a map. In computing, we discussed what a command and device are and then got to experiment with the bee bots. What a brilliant week we’ve had ⭐️

Spring 1 Week 3


What another super week we have had in year 1! In English, we have asked Mowgli some questions using our amazing question marks and have retold the story using the days of the week. In maths, we have finished our unit of adding and subtracting within 20, which we are now super at! In science, we explored what amphibians and reptiles are, then looked at examples of these that live in Asia. In geography, we looked at the 4 countries in the UK, then created a map for the UK. In PSHE, we explored how our body tells us when we are feeling worried or scared and who we can go to if we are feeling that way. In PE, we continued to practice our gymnastics skills with Mrs Winward. We also began to explore tennis skills, by seeing how long we could balance a tennis ball on a tennis racket for. In art, we discovered what different tones and textures look like, by experimenting with different types of media. And of course, we had lots of fun on our Wild Ones Adventures! We got to go on a hunt for the Asian animals, using North, South, East and West to guide us. Then we got to zoom down the mud slide, before whittling our own sticks and toasting some marshmallows. What a brilliant week! ⭐️

Spring 1 Week 2


We’ve had a great week this week in Year 1. In English, we have read more of our focus text The Jungle Book and explored the characters through various drama techniques, such as ‘magic mirror’. In maths, we have been exploring subtraction within 20, using our tens frames and part-whole models. In science, we have begun to look at the different groups animals can be sorted into - mammals, fish and birds. In geography, we started the discussion about where we live and what a country is, using google maps to explore where we are in the country. In PSHE, we explored why sleep is very important and how we can tell if our bodies are tired. In art, we explored different types of media, discussing what media is and comparing different ones to each other. It has been a busy week, filled with lots of great learning! Well done Year 1 ⭐️

Spring 1 Week 1


What a great first week back we have had in Year 1! We have started our new whole school theme Amazing Asia. In English, we have begun to explore our new book “The Jungle Book”, looking at and describing the main characters that we have met so far. In maths, we have been comparing two statements and finding the missing parts of our equations. In music, we listened to and appraised our new song “In The Groove” and played some fun games, such as finding the pulse of a song. In geography, we explored the home of the Emperor Penguins and located Antarctica on the map. In PSHE, we have started to look at what we need to keep ourselves alive and healthy. We also took part in our first gymnastics lesson of this term with the amazing Mrs Winward, which we all loved! And of course we had lots of fun outdoors in the snow! What a fantastic start to this term Year 1!

Factual Footprints!

Autumn 2 Week 6


What a very busy week we have had in Year 1, we have started our Elf EnterpriseIn English! In English, we started to explore bath bombs and created descriptions about them using our senses 🛁 In maths, we have continued to work with numbers up to 20 2️⃣0️⃣ As part of our Elf Enterprise, we have looked at existing products and then designed our own Christmassy bath bombs 🎄We have also been very busy practising for our nativity, which we then performed on the big stage! We can’t wait for you all to see our amazing performance 🎬 What an amazing week we’ve had!⭐️

Autumn 2 Week 5


Wow, what a super week we’ve had in Year 1! In English, we wrote fantastic retellings of the ending for our story “The Highway Rat”. We became authors and used great adjectives and vocabulary to make our writing more interesting! In maths, we have been exploring numbers up to 20 using the base 10 resources to help up with our learning. In history, we have looked at a normal day for Prince George and discussed the similarities and differences between his life and ours. In science, we had lots of fun whilst on a ‘Sense Hunt’ on the paddock. We then came back to the classroom and recorded our observations of what we could hear, see, smell and feel. In RE, we started to discuss what a gift was and that is doesn’t have to be an object but can also be an act of kindness. We have also been very busy practising for our Nativity! ⭐️ What superstars you are Year 1!👏😊

Autumn 2 Week 4


What a fantastic week we’ve had in Year 1! In English, we continued to explore features in our book ‘The Highway Rat’, creating our own free verse poems and writing a setting description for the cave. In maths, we explored finding the difference between two numbers. We have then applied our new knowledge of addition and subtraction to compare two number sentences. In history, we explored the key events in Prince George’s life and created a timeline to show the chronological order. In science, we discussed that humans from all over the world have many similarities. In computing, we created our own animations on PurpleMash which were fantastic! In Re, we read and discussed the Bible story ‘Feeding the 5000’ and then tasted lots of different foods that were popular in Jesus’ world. In PSHE, we talked about who the special people are in our lives and what makes them special to us. We have also been practising very hard for our Nativity performance! What a super week, well done Year 1!⭐️

Autumn 2 Week 3


We have had a super week in Year 1! ⭐️ In English, we started our fiction unit by making predictions based on what the children could see in the classroom. We read our story, ‘The Highway Rat’ and then created Wanted Posters using adjectives to describe the rat to warn our family and friends! 🐀📖 In maths, we have continued to work on our subtracting skills and we can now write 8 facts to create a fact family ➖ In science, we used mirrors to create self-portraits of our faces and labelled our features 👃 In history, we researched Prince George as a class and wrote down the facts that we had learnt 🤴 In computing, we explored the term ‘animation’ and discussed key features of what makes a good animation 🖱 We have also celebrated Children in Need by reading a story about Pudsey and his friend Blush. We then had lots of fun making our own Pudsey creations 🧸 Well done Year 1 👏

Autumn 2 Week 2


What another super week we’ve had in year 1 ⭐️ In English, we finished off our non-fiction unit by creating our own documentary about Steve Backshall with facts we wrote ourselves ✍️ In maths we have started to use our number facts to subtract 2 numbers ➖In science, we used our senses to work out what fruits we were eating! 🍓In history, we created a timeline of key events in our lives 🕰 In computing, we continued to develop our mouse skills 🖱In PSHE, we talked about the difference between being unkind and bullying and that bullying is not acceptable. We then discussed who we can go to if we have any worries 😌 We enjoyed our Wild One Adventures afternoon, where we explored the story ‘The Highway Rat’ and made our own swords! 🗡 We also created our class poppy for Remembrance Day, by making our own little poppies 🌺 Well done year 1 🤩

Autumn 2 Week 1


What a fantastic first week back we have had! In English, we have been learning all about Steve Backshall, writing some great questions we would like to ask him, as well as writing brilliant facts that we already know 🕷We then interviewed Steve Backshall himself during our hot seating lesson! 🎭 In maths, we have continued to explore addition, using our part-whole models to help us find the missing parts 🔎 In science, we began to look at our body parts and our facial features. We enjoyed singing ‘head, shoulders, knees and toes’! 🦵In history, we were very excited to share all of our amazing pictures from key events in our life, such as birth, christenings and even our first steps!👶 In computing, we explored what technology is and then identified different types of technology we have in our own homes 💻 In RE, we had lots of fun comparing the clothes we wear now to the clothes they wore in Jesus’ world 👕 We had lots of questions, which will be explored during this half terms learning. In PSHE, we discussed that there are lots of similarities and differences between people and that is okay. We then played some games to see what similarities and differences there were in our class. In PE, we started our new topic Dance, where we explored the traditional tale ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ through movement and actions 🕺We also learnt about the history of Bonfire Night this week and created wonderful firework and bonfire pictures 🎆What a fantastic week full of super learning! ⭐️

Native Narratives!

Autumn 1 Week 8


We have had a super last week in Year 1! In English we explored acrostic poems as a class, then wrote our own acrostic poems for winter ✍️❄️ In maths we have discovered a systematic way to find number bonds within and up to the number 10 🔢 In science we carried out a second observation on our plants and wrote about what we saw in our plant diaries 🪴In geography we created a fact file all about Africa using the knowledge we have gathered over this half term 🌍 In Art we put on a fashion show to share our finished African inspired printed t-shirts 🎨 In French we read a story about a King, which incorporated all of the colours we have learnt this half term 🇫🇷 In music we had lots of fun and played our favourite music games 🎶 We all took part in this half terms behaviour treat which was amazing! 🏰 What a fantastic first half term we have had Year 1! ⭐️😊

Autumn 1 Week 7

We have had another fantastic week in Year 1! In English we wrote our own instructions for ‘How to make a jam sandwich’ 🥪 In maths we sorted 2D shapes into groups 🔺We also learnt about fact families and were able to write 4 number sentences using the same 3 numbers ➕ In geography we brought our previous learning of continents and oceans together and drew the world map on a paper plate 🌍 In science we created a plant diary and made observations for the flowers we planted last week 🪴In Art and DT we printed patterns on the other side of our African inspired top, then explored digital art on the iPads 🧑‍🎨 In RE we compared the Harvest Festival and Sukkot to find the similarities and differences ✡️ In music we performed our call and response and African inspired songs that we have learnt, to Reception and Year 2 in the hall 🪘🎼 What a brilliant week, well done Year 1 ⭐️👏

Autumn 1 Week 6


We’ve had a super week this week in Year 1! In English we have continued to look at imperative verbs in instructional writing and explored the purpose of time words to show the correct order ⏰ In maths we have started to look at addition number sentences using part-whole models to help us ➕ In geography we were able to identify to 7 continents and 5 oceans on a world map 🌍 In RE we continued to explore the Jewish festival Sukkot by decorating out Sukkah, trying Jewish foods and dancing to Jewish music ✡️ In Art and DT we started to use our printing tools we made to create our African t-shirts 🎨 In computing we practised our mouse skills 🖥 In music we practised playing our African instruments and keeping the rhythm in preparation for our African Music Performance next week 🪘In French we sang a song about the colours of the rainbow 🌈 Well done Year 1!⭐️👏

Autumn 1 Week 5


What a brilliant week we’ve had in Year 1! In English we baked our own African apple cakes by following a set of instructions 🧁 We then explored the purpose of instructions and the importance of imperative (bossy) verbs! In maths we explored how to use ordinal numbers and were able to label an empty number line 🔢 In science we explored what plants need to grow 🪴 In RE we explored the Jewish festival ‘Sukkot’ and created decorations for our own Sukkah ✡️ In Design and Technology we created our African inspired printing tools using recycled materials ♻️ In geography we identified and labelled England and Africa on a world map 🗺 What a busy week we have had in Year 1!🌟👏

Autumn 1 Week 4


We have had another amazing week in Year 1! In English we have been looking at the structure of stories and creating our own story maps for the beginning, middle and end of ‘Little Red Riding Hood and the Maasai Warriors’ 📖. In maths we have learnt how to use new symbols for ‘greater than’ ‘less than’ and equal to’ when comparing numbers and objects 🐊. In art we identified and experimented with the primary colours to find out what secondary colours they make. We also designed t-shirts with our African inspired prints 🎨. In science we looked at the structure of plants and compared this to a plant from Africa 🌻. In PSHE we explored our feelings and discussed who we can go to if we need to talk about how we feel. In French we learnt how to say more colours of the rainbow and practised our pronunciation 🇫🇷. In music we sang some songs and played our African inspired instruments using the call-and-response technique🪘. Well done Year 1!👏⭐️

Autumn 1 Week 3


What a super week we’ve had in Year 1! In Maths we have been exploring one more and one less than, as well as looking at 3D shapes in Geometry. In English we have been writing descriptions about the African shield from our story and creating rhyming strings using the adjectives we identified. We then created our own poem as a class and performed it all together! In Art and Design Technology we designed and made our own African prints using paint and different tools to create our patterns. In Science we explored different types of wild plants and discussed the qualities of Evergreen and Deciduous trees. We then had a go at drawing a Deciduous tree through the different seasons. In Music, we learnt some new songs and all had a go at playing the Djembe drums! In French we learnt a new song which incorporated our learning from last week, which included the colours and the name of the French Flag. Well done for another great week Year 1!⭐️👏

Our Class Poem

Still image for this video

Autumn 1 Week 2


We have had a fantastic first week in Year 1! In Maths we have been carrying out tasks with numbers within 1-10. In English we have started to read ‘Little Red Riding Hood and the Maasai Warriors’. We have learnt some actions for part of the story and began to explore how the panther feels. In Science we discussed the four seasons and went on a nature walk in the paddock to spot the signs of Autumn. In Geography we learnt about African. We compared Kenya to Darwen by spotting similarities and differences between them. In French we learnt how to say ‘hello, my name is…’ as well as how to say the colours of the French flag. In Art and Design Technology we explored African prints and patterns on clothing. In RE we explored foods from around the world and got to try some new foods. Well done Year 1!⭐️


Autumn 1 Week 1


What a brilliant couple of days we’ve had in Year 1! We have explored our new classroom and our provision area. Lots of new learning has taken place, learning our new routines and getting to know the new faces in our classroom 😊 What an amazing start to Year 1, we are all so proud! 🌟



Summer 2 Week 4

We have had a lovely week in Year 1! 🏫 🧑‍💻 In English we have been writing the story of Romeo & Juliet thinking about the order of the story and what happens when. ✏️ In Maths we have continued to explore place value and solved some tricky problems. In our Phonics learning we have started to look at alternative spellings in our sound families 📖 ✏️ In our Guided Reading sessions we have been reading and discussing non-fiction texts. 📖 In our Handwriting sessions we have focused on using a pre-cursive approach to writing ✏️ In Art and Design we used materials to decorate a hat template as a mock up for our final costume piece. In Design & Technology we continued to create hat structures for a theatre production of Romeo and Juliet 🎩 In History we wrote facts we had learnt about the Royal National Theatre in London. the  In Gymnastics we rehearsed for a  gymnastics performance🤸 In Outdoor Learning we created our own performance pieces in groups and performed them on the paddock. 🍃 In Science we sorted materials that are weatherproof and not weatherproof. 

Summer 2 Week 3

We have been working super hard this week in school and remotely! 🏫 🧑‍💻 In English we have focused on performance and drama. We have recreated some super scenes and freeze frames. 🎭 In Maths we have continued to explore place value with a focus on problem solving. In our Phonics learning we have started to look at alternative spellings in our sound families 📖 ✏️ In our Guided Reading sessions we have been reading and discussing traditional tales 📖 In our Handwriting sessions we have focused on using a pre-cursive approach to writing ✏️ In Art and Design we explored colour and how we can use colour when creating costumes. In Design & Technology we started to create hat structures for a theatre production of Romeo and Juliet 🎩 In History we explored historical sources linked to Royal National Theatre in London. the  In Gymnastics we rehearsed for a  gymnastics performance🤸 In RE we explored how we could help look after the world. In Outdoor Learning we created the set for our Romeo and Juliet performance. 🍃 In Science we carried out an experiment to test which materials are weatherproof. 🧪 

Summer 2 Week 2

We have enjoyed the sunshine this week in Year 1! ☀️  In English we have learnt about who William Shakespeare is and started to explore one of his famous plays ‘Romeo and Juliet’. In Maths we have worked practically to explore place value. In our Phonics learning we have started to look at alternative spellings in our sound families 📖 ✏️ In our Guided Reading sessions we have been reading and discussing folk tales  📖 In our Handwriting sessions we have focused on using a pre-cursive approach to writing ✏️ In Art and Design we explored different ways we can manipulate fabric to create different shapes and effects. In Design & Technology we designed a hat that could be worn in a theatre production of Romeo and Juliet 🎩 In History we looked at chronology; we identified on a timeline when Darren Library Theatre and the Royal National Theatre was built. the  In Gymnastics we are rehearsing for a performance🤸 In RE we explored the Christian creation story. In Outdoor Learning we enhanced our Outdoor Theatre 🍃 In Science we planned an experiment to test which materials are weatherproof. 🧪 

Hoddlesden Globe

Summer 2 Week 1

We have had an amazing first week back in Year 1! ⭐ In English we have have done lots of exploration around new vocabulary linking to theatres. In Maths we have been thinking about how we can represent numbers and how we can identify tens and ones. In our Phonics learning we have started to look at alternative spellings in our sound families 📖 ✏️ In our Guided Reading sessions we have been reading and discussing fairytales  📖 In our Handwriting sessions we have focused on using a pre-cursive approach to writing ✏️ In Art and Design we explored different textures and colours. In Design & Technology we explored hats as theatre costumes 🎩 In History we explored Darwen Library Theatre and the Royal National Theatre. In Gymnastics we worked as a team to create new routines 🤸

Amazing Asia!

Summer 1 Week 7

We have had an amazing week this week in Year 1! ⭐ In English we have written character descriptions of some of our favourite characters in the story of Mulan and we did a great job! In Maths we have been recapping and practising our number bonds to 10. In our Phonics learning we have been recapping a range of split digraphs to consolidate our learning through reading and writing tasks 📖 ✏️ In our Guided Reading sessions we have been busy reading a non-fiction text about animals that invade 📖 In our Handwriting sessions we have focused on the letter 'b' and 'g’ using our lead ins! ✏️ On Tuesday we had our very exciting Explorer Day! We travelled to Asia on a plane and followed a map to the Asian jungle and used all of our skills and knowledge from over the half term to explore the jungle. We travelled back on the aeroplane just in time for home time! 🗺️ In French we continued learning an action song and played games using our French vocabulary. In Music we performed the song from Mulan using musical instruments and actions 🎶 In Computing we learnt about internet safety and how we can make sensible choices to keep ourselves safe online 📱 In Art and Design we made observational drawings of jungle animals using coloured chalk on the playground 🐅 In Gymnastics we carried out different routines on the mats and performed it to our peers 🤸

Summer 1 Week 6

Year 1 have made the Year 1 staff team so proud this week! ⭐ In English we wrote the story of Mulan, we did such a super job! In Maths we have been exploring position and direction. In our Phonics learning we have learnt the phoneme and grapheme u_e and have applied our learning through reading and writing tasks 📖 ✏️ In our Guided Reading sessions we have been busy reading lots of non-fiction texts linked to animals 📖 In our Handwriting sessions we have focused on the letter 'k' and 'p' using our lead ins! ✏️ In French we continued learning an action song and played games using our French vocabulary. In Music we continued to learn and rehearse a song from Mulan with instruments and actions 🎶 In Computing we used the computers to move BeeBots around a map ensuring we avoided objects in our path 🐝 In Science we made lists of what animals need to survive  🐼 In Geography we followed and gave instructions to navigate our partners using maps 🗺️ In Art and Design we made observational drawings of jungle animals 🐅 In Gymnastics we carried out different routines on the mats and performed it to our peers 🤸 In RE we explored how different religions celebrate the birth of a baby. We then talked about our first trips out as a baby and our first taste of solid food. 

Summer 1 week 5

What a great week! ⭐ In English we created a talk for writing for the story of Mulan!🛡️ In Maths we have been exploring fractions; halving and doubling objects. In our Phonics learning we have learnt the phoneme and grapheme o_e and have applied our learning through reading and writing tasks 📖 ✏️ In our Guided Reading sessions we have explored both fiction and non-fiction through paired reading, whole class reading and reading response 📖 In our Handwriting sessions we have focused on the letter 'm' and 'j' using our lead ins! ✏️ In French we continued learning an action song 🎼 In Music we continued to learn and rehearse a song from Mulan 🎶 In Computing we input  algorithms to move the Beebots around a map 🐝 In Science we created fact files about pandas 🐼 In Geography we followed and gave instructions to navigate our partners using maps 🗺️ In Art and Design we made observational drawings of jungle animals 🐅 In Gymnastics we carried out different routines on the mats 🤸


Still image for this video

Summer 1 week 4

We have had a week full of new learning in Year 1! ⭐ In English we created posters to let everyone know that the emperor was now allowing girls to join the army!🛡️ In Maths we have been exploring arrays. We have found this very tricky but we have persevered and shown that we are Brave Bananas! 🍌 In our Phonics learning we have learnt the phoneme and grapheme i_e and have applied our learning through reading and writing tasks 📖 ✏️ In our Guided Reading sessions we have explored both fiction and non-fiction through paired reading, whole class reading and reading response 📖 In our Handwriting sessions we have focused on the letter 'k' using our lead ins! ✏️ In French we started to learn an action song 🎼 In Music we continued to learn and rehearse a song from Mulan 🎶 In Computing we created algorithms that we used to program the Beebots 🐝 In Science we learnt about endangered animals in Asia 🐼 In Geography we followed and gave instructions to navigate our partners using maps 🗺️ In Art and Design we made observational drawings of jungle animals 🐅 In Gymnastics we carried out different routines on the mats 🤸

Summer 1 Week 3

We have had a fantastic week in Year 1! In English we have been exploring non-fiction text and have created our own piece of non-fiction text about Chinese water dragons. In Maths we have started to explore multiplication through grouping. In Music we started to learn the lyrics to a song from the film Mulan. In PE we played team games. In Science we learnt about what animals need to survive. In Geography we explored compass points. In Computing we started to explore programming and algorithms. In Art & Design we explored tones and textures. In RE we had a visit from Rev. Alice who talked to us about Baptisms. In Gymnastics we explored different movements. In French we followed instructions. In Phonics we have been learning about the split digraph e_e. 

Summer 1 Week 2

This week we have had lots of fun in Year 1! In English we continued to read Mulan and we created some fantastic pieces of writing around Mulan's character. In Maths we explored weight and volume using practical resources. In Science we learnt about how animals use their senses to survive. In Geography we labelled a map of the United Kingdom. In RE we continued to explore Baptism. In PSHE we talked about money and how we can keep our money safe. In Music we kept the beat when playing instruments alongside a song. In Art & Design we experimented with using drawing media on different surfaces. In French we learnt and followed instructions. This week we have also enjoyed our second Outdoor Activity Morning and  a visit from The Fun Food Chef. 


Summer 1 Week 1

We have had a super busy first week back at school! In English we started exploring the story of Mulan. In Maths we have explored length and height. In PE we have focused on running and jumping and gymnastics. In Music we appraised songs from the Disney film Mulan. In Science we explored different animal structures. In Geography we labelled the continents and oceans on a world map. In Computing we explored web addresses and what a web address is used for. In Art & Design we explored a range of drawing media. In RE we explored Baptisms. We also had some amazing experiences this week! We had our first outdoor activity morning, we got to try out archery and orienteering. We had a super morning playing lots of cricket games and we also got to experience Chinese dragon dancing which was lots of fun. 

Blended Learning

Spring 2 Week 5

We have had a lovely week in Year 1! Our focus this week has been Easter, we created a Talk for Writing of the Easter story and created our very own Easter garden’s. In our English learning we explored the theme of Space and created some fantastic one page profiles on Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. In Maths we have been learning to count in 5’s and have used our knowledge to problem solve and reason. In PE we played lots of games that linked to our Maths learning were we had to count in 5’s. We completed a triathlon through a workshop called Trikidz which was lots of fun! 



Spring 2 Week 4

We have had such an exciting week in Year 1! Our English theme this week has been dinosaurs and we had a very special visitor to enhance our learning and inspire our writing! In Maths we have mastered counting in 2's and have used our understanding of counting in 2's to problem solve and reason. We have enjoyed PE and Gymnastic sessions this week. In Design & Technology we made fruit salad for our snack time, in Art & Science we used clay to make dinosaur fossils, in PSHE we thought about our return to school and our feelings, in RE we created a talk for writing of the Easter story and in Music we started to learn a Spring time song. We have also celebrated World Book Day and Comic Relief! 



Spring 2 Week 3

It is great to have everyone back in school! This week we have been settling back into routines and thinking about our wellbeing. We have carried out lots of mindfulness activities and had lots of discussions about our feelings. In our English learning we have been focusing on the theme meerkats and have enjoyed learning lots of new facts. In our Maths learning we have been counting in 10’s and have started to explore counting in 2’s. We have enjoyed PE sessions with Mr Hassey and Miss Crewe. We have also carried out lots of creative lessons linked to Music, Art & Design and Design & Technology. Overall, the highlight of the week has been being back together and having lots of fun in each other’s company! 



Spring 2 Week 2

We have had lots of fun this week in all our learning! In our English learning we have focused on the story ‘The `Slightly Annoying Elephant!’ The children have created fantastic pieces of writing and role play scenarios as a reading response. In our Phonics learning we learnt a new tricky word and two new phonemes and graphemes. In our Maths learning we focused on place value, some of the task were super tricky but Year 1 took on the challenge. We had a live PE session with Mr Hassey. We celebrated World Book Day with lots of story related fun! We had a live lesson every afternoon to develop our speaking and listening skills. We became weather presenters in Geography and we looked at life cycles in RE. We have been very busy! 



Spring 2 Week 1

What a great week we have had in Year 1! Our English learning this week has been linked to The Jungle book, the children have created some fantastic pieces of work. In Phonics we have been exploring some Phase 5 graphemes and phonemes. In Maths we have continued to explore addition and subtraction. We have had some very exciting live Speaking and Listening activities in the afternoon. In our PE learning we carried out a live keep fit session with Mr Hassey. In our afternoon learning we heavily focused on Spring and the changes to the weather. This week we say goodbye to Miss Morrison who have been with us since before Christmas. Miss Morrison has been carrying out her teacher training in our class and has provided fantastic learning opportunities for all the children. We wish her lots of luck in her teaching career!  



Spring 1 Week 6

We have had a fantastic week! The effort and the learning taking place from all children has been wonderful once again! Our English learning this week has been all about farms and the children have followed this up with Phonics and reading response tasks. In Maths we have continued to explore addition and subtraction. We have had some very exciting live Speaking and Listening activities in the afternoon. In our PE learning children followed a gymnastics routine. In our Computing learning we learnt how to stay safe online. In our Music learning we learnt some actions to an action song. In our Art & Design learning we drew portraits. On Friday we had a very exciting Behaviour Treat. We visited Yew Tree Farm virtually and got to meet lots of the animals. It was lots of fun! 



Spring 1 Week 5

We have all been working remotely in Year 1 this week. The effort and the learning taking place from all children has been wonderful! Mrs Fenwick has carried out a live story time for our English learning this week and the children have followed this up with a reading response task. In Maths Miss Morrison set some tricky problems involving addition and subtraction within 20 for the children to solve. Mr Hassey has carried out very exciting live Speaking and Listening activities in the afternoon. In our PE learning children followed a gymnastics routine. In our Computing learning we explored kindness. In our French learning we practiced counting to 10. In our PSHE learning we explored the meaning of equality. In Science we named parts of our bodies. 



Spring 1 Week 4

We have had a magical week in Year 1! This week we have entered Fairytale Land for our Phonics & English learning. As Fairytale characters we have completed lots of magical tasks linked to our reading and writing skills. In our Maths learning we have continued to look at place value with a focus on greater than and less than. In our afternoon sessions we have been gymnasts in PE, Looking at timelines in History, writing postcards as two of the disciples in RE, exploring pond life and plant growth in our Science focused outdoor learning and thinking about beat and rhythm in Music.



Spring 1 Week 3

What a super week we have had! This week Year 1 transformed into superheroes for our superhero Phonics & English learning. As superheroes we had lots of challenges to complete using our reading and writing skills! In our Maths learning we have been looking at place value and have started to explore tens and ones. In our afternoon sessions we have been getting active and completing challenges in PE, making comparisons between royals in History, finding out about Jesus’ special friends in RE, making observational drawings of plants in Science and following a beat and experimenting with the tempo when singing in Music.


Spring 1 Week 2

This week the children in Year 1 have blown us away with both their remote and live learning! The children have learnt new phonemes and their corresponding graphemes in Phonics and then applied them to writing and reading tasks. They have focused on core number and shapes in Maths and enjoyed lots of exciting learning experiences across the curriculum. 



Spring 1 Week 1

This week has been a little different than expected but that hasn’t stopped Year 1 from being amazing learners and making memories! This week children have carried out learning in class and on SEESAW confidently and with enthusiasm. All children have been encouraged to enjoy the snow in school and at home and have shared pictures of their experiences! 

Elf Enterprise

Autumn 2 Week 7

We have definitely got into the Christmas spirit this week! We finished and evaluated our calendars made for Elf Enterprise, watched the pantomime ‘Covidella’, carried out lots of Christmas activities including Christmas themed Phonics, wrote a letter to Father Christmas to tell him all about our learning over the half term and we listened to and watched a very special message from Father Christmas himself! 


Autumn 2 Week 6

We have had such a magical week in Year 1! We travelled to the North Pole and turned into little elves. We have been busy in our elf workshop making our calendars for Elf Enterprise! We have been exploring and investigation products already on the market, mocking up what we want our calendars to look like, making our mock up’s come to life in the computing suite and then putting it all together to create an outcome of a 2021 calendar to sell on our online stall. We have also enjoyed finalising our Nativity, Christmas Dinner and Christmas jumper day! 


Factual Footprints


Autumn 2 Week 5

It’s December! We have had a special visitor arrive in our classroom this week, his name is Gunther the good choices elf. Gunther has been looking out for children making good choices over the week to eat the chocolate from the advent calendar! We have started our Elf Enterprise learning. We have been brainstorming ideas of things to make and sell. In our English learning we have started to explore a new story, The Highway Rat. In our Maths learning we have continued to look at subtraction and have been finding the difference in different amounts of objects. 


Autumn 2 Week 4

This week Year 1 have turned into presenters! In English we used all our knowledge about Steve Backshall to make a documentary! In Maths we have been exploring subtraction using concrete resources. In Science we explored animal groups and what different groups of animals eat. In PSHE we talked about special people in our lives and why they are special. In Music we listened to, sang and played African music with Mr Richards. In PE we took part in a gymnastics competition. In RE we wrote about the most treasured gifts we have received. 




Autumn 2 Week 3

We have had lots of fun in Year 1 this week! In our English learning we have started to find out all about Steve Backshall, we have used the iPad's to research who he is and what he does. In Maths we have continued to explore addition with a focus on using a number line. In History we began to find out about Princess Charlotte. We used our family tree's from our Home Learning and compared them to Princess Charlotte's family tree. In PSHE we focused on Anti-Bullying Week and discussed what makes a good friend. In Music we explored different genres of music and listened for different instruments and sounds within the music. In PE we took part in an orienteering competition. In RE we explored the meaning of gifts and why gifts are given. 



Autumn 2 Week 2

What a busy week we have had in Year 1! In our English learning we have been planning an innovated ending to our story 'All Aboard for the Bobo Road'. In Maths we have been exploring number bonds within 10 using concrete resources. In History we explored timelines and created our own life timelines. In PSHE we have been exploring differences. In Science we have been naming and labelling parts of our bodies. In Music we explored a range of instruments and produced sounds in different ways. In PE we had a bonfire night dance themed lesson and played some invasion games.



Remembrance Day

We held a 2 minute silence to remember all those fallen during the war. We visited the war memorial and said a prayer for the soldiers.



Children in Need 

We have had a fantastic day and raised lots of money for Children in Need! We have enjoyed the Joe Wicks' PE session, watching the dance entries, walking a catwalk to show off our outfits and having a class Pudsey colouring competition!  



Native Narratives 


Autumn 2 Week 1

We have had a fantastic first week back after our half term break! In our English learning we finished writing different parts of our story ‘Little Red Riding Hood and the Maasai Warrior’ and started to explore a new book ‘All aboard for the Bobo Road’. In Maths we started to explore addition using part whole models and the addition symbol ‘+’. In Design & Technology we made printing tools using cardboard and string. In Computing we used the iPad’s to take photographs and then edit them to create different effects. In Science we wrote facts about the 4 seasons and plants. In PE we played lots of movement games. In Music Mr Richard’s played lots of games with us using body percussion. 



Autumn 1 Week 8

We have had a super week in Year 1! In our English learning we have been writing sentences to explain what happens a different parts in our story ‘Little Red Riding Hood and the Maasai Warrior’. In Maths we have been exploring greater than, less than and equal to. In Geography we have been writing facts about the 7 continents and 5 oceans. In Art & Design we used all the skills we have learnt to create our own prints independently. In Science we created plant diaries.  We made observations and record what changes we noticed to our African treasure flowers. For our Behaviour Treat we got to see Jasper Cherry perform some magic! 


Click the link to see a video of our wonderful learning this half term- 


Autumn 1 Week 7

What a busy week we have had in Year 1! In our English learning we have been thinking about the characters, setting and the order in our story 'Little Red Riding Hood and the Maasai Warrior'. We have created some wonderful independent writing and produced a small world story retell. In Maths we have been finding one less than a number within 20 and started to explore one to one correspondence. In Geography the children created maps of the world which showed the 7 continents and 5 oceans. In Art & Design and Design Technology we explored creating print pictures using fruits and vegetables. In Science and as part of our Outdoor Learning we planted African treasure flowers and then produced some wonderful cross-curricular writing about what the flowers need to grow. In PSHE we continued to talk about feelings and how our body reacts to different feelings. 




Autumn 1 Week 6

We have been celebrating Black History Month this week in Year 1. We learnt all about an inspirational man named Walter Tull who achieved many amazing things throughout his life. We all wrote super sentences about what kind of man Walter Tull was. In Maths we have been finding one more than a number within 20. In our English learning we created panther traps and then wrote how our traps work so that the Maasai Warriors are able to use them. In Geography we identified the 5 oceans on a map. In French we continued to learn our numbers. In Art & Design and Design Technology we explored creating different types of prints. In our MINDUP learning we learnt about mindful tasting and then had a go at putting into practice during snack time. In PE we preformed our dance that we have been learning over the last couple of weeks. In PSHE we talked about feelings and how our body reacts to different feelings. In RE we explored the Jewish festival Rosh Hashanah. 





Autumn 1 Week 5

What a week we have had in Year 1! In Maths we have been grouping and sorting objects. In our English learning we received a letter from a Maasai Warrior asking for help to build a cage to trap the panther from our story 'Little Red and the Maasai Warrior'. We accepted the offer in writing and began to make lists of resource we might need to make the cage. In Science we explored what plants need to grow. In Geography we identified Africa and the United Kingdom on different maps. In French we continued to learn our numbers; we can now count to 10! In Art & Design and Design Technology we used printing tools to make a repeating pattern. In Music we played musical patterns using instruments. In Computing we learnt how to unlock an iPad and clip the Safari button to load the internet. In our Outdoor Learning we explored our MIND UP learning and carried out some mindful seeing and mindful hearing. In RE we wrote a prayer to God to say thank you for a good Harvest. 


Autumn 1 Week 4

This week has been lots of fun in Year 1! In Maths we have been exploring weight, capacity and patterns. In English we have been identifying rhyming strings and reading a rhyming poem called 'Little Red' with our finger torches. In Geography we identified human and physical features in Hoddlesden and the Maasai village in Kenya. In Science we identified parts of a plant. In French we learnt how to count to 5. In Art & Design and Design Technology we explored printing using a range of printing tools. In Music we created musical patterns using shapes and symbols. In our Outdoor Learning we made Maasai tribal masks using natural resources. In RE we learnt about Harvest.





Autumn 1 Week 3

We have had a fantastic week in Year 1! In Maths we have been exploring doubling, halving and sharing. In English we have been writing instructions and creating posters to warn people about the big bad panther! In Science we went on a plant and tree hunt. In Geography we explored landmarks in Hoddlesden and Kenya. In French we learnt how to count to 3. In Art & Design and Design Technology we created collages of African prints and had a go at copying an African print. In Music we learnt how to keep a beat through body percussion. In our Outdoor Learning we built huts just like the one Little Red Riding Hood lives in in our story. In RE we learnt about places in the world that do not have much food and need support from charities.



Autumn 1 Week 2

A great week in Year 1! In Maths we have been carrying out tasks with numbers within 0-20. In English we have started to read the story 'Little Red Riding Hood and the Maasai Warriors'. We explored Little Red Riding Hoods basket that she takes to her grandmothers, we designed our own basket filled with things we would take to someone we loved and we made salt dough cakes by following instructions to put in our baskets. In Science we discussed the four seasons and then went on a season hunt to the Millennium Green to spot sign of Autumn. In Geography we found out all about Africa. We compared a Kenyan village to Hoddlesden village spotting differences and similarities. In French we learnt how to say 'hello, my name is...'. In Art & Design and Design Technology we explored African prints and patterns on clothing. In RE we explored foods from around the world. 




Autumn 1 Week 1

What a super few days we have had in Year 1! We have enjoyed settling in to our new classroom, exploring new and exciting areas within the provision and learning our new daily routines. Well done Year 1, we are so proud of you! 




Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
