Subject Leadership
Subject Leader: Mrs Jen Harrison
This school aims to provide its pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum set within a caring and supportive Christian community, in which each member of the school is valued and respected.
PSHE refers to the teaching of Personal, Social, Health and Economic education. Our aim is to provide a rich curriculum to all children across the school to deepen their understanding of themselves and the wider world. The PSHE Education Policy should be read in conjunction with several other school policies, including Online Safety, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Assessment and SEND.
We aim to provide the children with skills and knowledge to:
→ Understand their emotions/feelings and how this can affect their behaviours and wellbeing;
→ Help our children develop self-confidence and a feeling of worth;
→ Develop a caring and considerate attitude toward themselves, others and the environment;
→ Help our children form and maintain meaningful relationships and to understand how to manage their feelings; → Enable our pupils to make informed choices about their lives and respond to peer pressure;
→ Understand their bodies, how they work and the changes which take place;
→ Understand how society works, together with the rights and responsibilities of each individual child;
→ Encourage involvement with school life.
As outlined in the Department for Education guidelines (updated September 2021), at St Paul’s we will seek to use PSHE Education to “build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.”
Curriculum Overview
For further information on RSHE please click the link below.