2024/25 Our Learning
Autumn 1 Week 2 wb 09.09.24
This week has been our first full week in Year 2 and it has been great! In English, we have continued to become more and more immersed in our focus text, The Ugly Five. We have explored the new vocabulary in the book such as divine and ambled! We have also developed our use of tone and intonation when reciting parts of the story. Then we have focused on using adjectives to describe the animals.
In Maths, we have continued developing our understanding of place value. We have used place value charts as well as partitioning numbers and writing numbers in expanded form.
In RE we explored why the Bible is a special book for Christians and how the Bible tells God’s Big Story.
In Science, we have been categorising items. We have established whether they are living, dead or never been alive. We sorted them into columns on a table that some of us managed to draw independently.
In Geography we have explored the seasons. We have looked at why the UK has four seasons and what the differences between them are.
In Art, we have explored the artist Rachel Whiteread. Then we have explored clay! We have used different materials to imprint patterns and texture and looked at how to I use a slip pot to get rid of any mistakes we have made. We really enjoyed our Art this week! Today (Friday) have brought home a letter about a trip we are going on at the end of term to a sculpture park.
In PE we played different team games and races. It was great fun! We also had a game of dodgeball and then did some mindfulness exercises to calm and cool down.
In French, we learnt the names of different family members. See if we can remember at home!
Autumn 1 Week 1- wb 02.09.24
Welcome to our Year 2 class blog! Each week we will help Mrs Harrison write an overview of what we have been learning each week. This will help our families at home know what we have been up to and will help spark some after school and weekend discussions about our learning and general school life.
We have settled into Year 2 exceptionally well and we are enjoying being back at school. We seem to have grown up over the summer and we are so ready for our new challenges!
This week, we have written some amazing letters to Mrs Harrison, we have told her all about our holidays and what makes us wonderful!
We have also been on a safari! We found lots of different animals hidden around the playground. Then we used adjectives to describe them. We came up with some super expanded noun phrases. We have started to enjoy our new focus text, The Ugly Five and have written some great descriptions of the animals.
In our maths learning we have been recapping our place value knowledge of numbers. We have been working on grouping objects into groups of ten to make it easier to count.
We have also started our new Science topic which is living things and their habitats. We have started this by looking at how we know we are alive! We have looked at how we grow, move, breathe etc.
In Geography we are exploring the weather and seasons. We watched some weather reports and looked at the clouds to explore how they effect the weather. Then we explored how the weather report predicts the weather. We drew a field sketch of the playground incorporating the sky and used weather symbols to show what the weather was like at that moment. Then we predicted what we thought the weather might be like for the rest of the week!
In French with Madame Wardle, we revisited different French greetings and when each one may be used.
In PSHE we looked at rules, routines and expectations. We established our rules and made pledges for how we can create a positive classroom.
In Art we have explored the artist, Ranti Bam. She is going to be our focus artist for our current art unit. We learnt that she is a ceramic artist who is of British-Nigerian heritage. We then chose our favourite piece from her collection and explained why it was our favourite using key vocabulary such as contract, colours, shapes and patterns.