We’ve had a really busy and exciting week in Year 3! There’s been so much learning happening across all our subjects, and we’ve worked hard on a variety of skills and activities.
This week in English, we wrote an independent diary from the viewpoint of Fa Zhou, Mulan’s father, which helped us think about his thoughts and feelings at a key point in the story. We also used drama and hot-seating activities to explore what characters might have said in important conversations, which really helped us understand their emotions and motivations.
In Maths, we’ve worked hard on multiplication and division. When we looked at division, we used tens and ones to help us share, and we even practiced exchanging when needed, which made it a bit trickier but also more interesting!
In geography, we explored lines of latitude and how they affect the climate. We learned about the polar regions and the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, which helped us understand different climates around the world. We used the iPads and Digimaps to locate our houses using our address.
In DT, we looked at different types of diagrams, such as thumbnail sketches, exploded diagrams, and technical diagrams. We even drew our own diagrams for foods we enjoy at home, which was a fun way to practice both creativity and technical skills!
In PE, we continued working on our basketball skills, focusing this week on line passing and teamwork. It was a great chance for us to practice working together and passing the ball accurately.
In Science, we started looking at the human skeleton. We learnt about why it is important and what is does. We learnt some interesting facts and labelled our partner with all the bones that we had learnt the names of!
In French, we started learning the months of the year and noticed how they’re similar to the English names, as they start with the same letters! We also sang "Happy Birthday" to Alex, Archie, and Jack in French, which was a fun way to practice.
In RE, we explored the story of "The Calling of Levi" and discussed how Jesus asked Matthew (Levi) to follow him. We thought about how the people in the story changed, which helped us reflect on personal growth and transformation.
Week 2
What an Exciting Week in Year 3!
What a week it has been! We’ve been working so hard and impressing Mrs Bradley with all our enthusiasm, knowledge, and dedication to learning. Everyone has been putting in their best efforts, and it’s been wonderful to see how much progress we've made!
In Maths, we've been exploring multiplication and comparing different multiplications using the <, >, and = symbols. Everyone has shown great understanding, and we’re getting better at recognising and using these symbols in various problems. We have also started multiplying 2 digit numbers by a one digit number.
In English, we’ve started our new unit on Mulan and have been learning about the terms ‘adaptation’ and ‘version’. We’ve discussed why there are different versions of the same story, and to help us understand, we watched the trailers for two different Mulan films and compared them. We’ve also been learning some key vocabulary such as protect, duty, impersonated, and honour, and using these words in sentences with subordinating conjunctions. Today, we wrote a diary entry from Mulan’s perspective when she discovered that her father had been called to war.
In PE, we’ve kicked off our basketball unit with Junior Jam, learning some key skills like dribbling, passing, and catching. Everyone had great fun while practising teamwork and coordination.
In PSHE, we’ve been focusing on scenarios that are safe and unsafe, and discussing how we can make situations safer for everyone. It’s an important topic, and we’ve learned a lot about how to stay safe in different situations. We also thought about how we are safe online and recapped the SMART rules.
In Geography, we’ve explored the importance of knowing our address. We learned that each line of an address is like zooming out on a map, from your home to the wider world. We compared this to the Russian doll nesting effect, which helped us understand how addresses work on different scales.
In DT, we’ve been investigating pneumatic systems! It was fascinating to see how air pressure can make things move, and we experimented with making paper and books move with balloons and straws. You can check out our video on Seesaw or on Facebook to see what we got up to!
We were also lucky enough to have a visit from Reverend Matt on Wednesday, who launched our new RE unit on How Jesus Changes People’s Lives. On Thursday, we had a brilliant time celebrating No Pens Day, where we got creative and used our voices and hands instead of pens to express ourselves.
What a fantastic week it’s been! We’ve all worked so hard, shown great resilience, and I couldn’t be more proud of how everyone is adapting to new learning and changes. Keep up the amazing work, Year 3! Can’t wait to see what next week brings. 🌟
Week 1
What an unexpected week it’s been with all the snow and ice! It’s been lovely to see all the photos of your adventures, from sledging and snowboarding to building the most imaginative snowmen. I’m so glad to see that you’ve all stayed safe during this wintry weather. We’re looking forward to getting back to our usual routine when school reopens on Monday. A big well done to everyone who has completed their home learning this week
Autumn 2 Factual Footprints
Week 8
What a lovely last week!
On Monday, we wrote a letter to Mrs Bradley to tell her all about us and what we were looking forwards to for the rest of Year 3.
On Tuesday, we had our Christmas Party! We loved playing the games and having fun with our friends! We even enjoyed some snacks and drinks too!
We have been working hard on our Carol Concert practise and did a great job in our performances on Wednesday and Thursday!
On Thursday, we were treated to a live read by Santa!
On Friday, we enjoyed our behaviour treat with Mrs Bead and loved opening our secret Santa presents!
We even won 2000 dojos so were treated to a film on Friday afternoon!
I hope you have a magical Christmas and New Year!
Week 7!
What a great week!
In English, we have been innovated our own story of the Iron Man by adding another problem where he can get up to trouble!
In Maths, we focussed on the 8 times tables and made links between the 2, 4 and 8 times tables. We are great mathematicians and are working hard on our two step problems!
In Science, we went onto the playground and explored different types of soil. We thought about how this soil was different or the same to other soil around the village or the country, for example near the sea. We really enjoyed exploring the soil and using the magnifying glasses to look closely!
In History, we thought about the impact Emmeline Pankhurst and the Suffragettes have had on the world. We looked at Katherine Johnson and Greta Thunberg as modern day feminists and learnt about what they stood for and why they now have the opportunities to stand up for what they believe in.
In Gymnastics, we have been working hard on our vaulting skills and even added a run up to add more power and speed.
In RE, we have continued to think about Christmas and the difference Jesus made when he was born. We thought about how people represent Jesus on Earth and how our actions can show this.
We have been working really hard on our Carol Concert practise, and can't wait to perform our poem and songs next week!
Week 6!
This week we have been very busy!
In Maths, we have been looking at the 4 times tables. We have been working very hard on our multiplication and division facts!
In English, we stepped into role as Hogarth to write a diary entry when we first saw the Iron Man. We thought carefully about using complex sentences and adverbs to make our writing more interesting!
This week has been Elf Enterprise week and we have been working so hard to design, make, advertise and evaluate our Christmas cushions. We worked carefully on our running and cross stitches to decorate our cushions with an appliqué. We created posters to advertise our product and we can’t wait to sell them at the Christmas fair on Sunday!
On Tuesday, we went to watch Jack and the Beanstalk at the pantomime. We loved it and joined it really when with the responses!
Week 5
In English, we created a 3rd and 1st person retell of the story. We added lots of details and used complex sentences to send quench the story in chronological order.
In Maths, we learnt the 3 times tables. We solved some tricky problems and used high level vocabulary to explain our reasoning.
In RE, we looked at the story of Papa Panov and used a story board to sequence the events.
In DT, we have been working very hard to cut, sew and spdecorate our appliqués for our Christmas cushions. We used running stitches and cross stitches and worked very carefully to ensure our cushions were of a high standard.
In Gymnastics, we are working very hard with Mrs Winward on our routines.
We can’t wait to make our elf enterprise cushions to sell next week!
Week 4
This week was fantastic!
In English, we wrote our own shape poems. We described the Iron Man, thinking carefully about using adjectives and adverbs.
In Maths, we started our multiplication and division unit. We made equal groups, used arrays and looked at sharing and grouping. We impressed Miss Sivill with our prior knowledge and can’t wait for it to get trickier!
In PSHE, we recreated different experiences of when children are upset and how we can help to resolve them.
In History, we were horrified to learn about how the Suffragettes were treated in prison for very small crimes!
in Gymnastics, we are working hard with Mrs Winward on our cartwheels and creating an exciting routine!
On Thursday, we went on our magical school trip to Blackburn Museum where we became Palaeontologists and used historical sources to investigate how things have changed. Year 3 trip to Blackburn Museum (click link to see)
Week 3!
What a great week!
In English, we wrote an explanation text about how rocks are formed. We enjoyed tasting the chocolate rocks first!
In Maths, we finished our addition and subtraction unit and started to look at equal groups. We impressed Miss Sivill with our prior knowledge of multiplication and division!
In RE, we thought about Emmanuel and how Christians believe that Jesus' birth was a celebration which we still acknowledge today.
In Science, we discovered how fossils are formed in sedimentary rocks over millions of years.
In DT, we started to design our Christmas cushions. We are really excited to get started making them!
In History, we learnt about Emmeline Pankhurst and how her actions changed the future for women. We wrote letters to the government asking for a right to vote. DEEDS NOT WORDS.
On Thursday, we enjoyed a Carbon Monoxide Workshop. We learnt all about how to keep ourselves safe by identifying the safe and dangerous flames and noticed the sign and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Week 2
We have had another super week!
In English, we have focussed on instructions. We identified the features of instructions and then wrote about how to catch the Iron Man and also how to light a fire!
In Maths, we have been working hard on estimating to help our addition and subtractions.
In Science, we investigated the properties of rocks and then used our findings to help us sort them into groups.
in History, we researched how women’s roles have changed over time. We were shocked to learn about how women’s rights have changed over time and their lack of equal rights in recent history!
In RE, we created a story board to show the arrival of Jesus based on the Shepherds.
In PE, we worked very hard with Mrs Winward to practise our gymnastics skills and started to put them into a new routine.
On Wednesday, we had a magical morning with Louise from Wild One Adventures! We stepped into role as palaeontologists and discovered rocks and fossils in the stream before we lit our own fires!
Outdoor Adventurous Learning November 2024
Week 1
What a great start to the term!
In English, we started our non fiction topic all about Mary Anning! We wrote our own biographies, thinking carefully about using the features of a biography.
In Maths, we continued with column addition and subtraction including with exchanges across 10 and 100. We are becoming really confident in this now!
In PE, we worked hard on our gymnastic skills ready to impress Mrs Winward next week!
In History, we thought about the words injustice and discrimination and started to think about how this impacted women in the past.
In Science, we investigated different rocks and sorted them into groups based on their properties.
In French, we travelled to a French playground to see what it was like there! We noticed they didn’t wear school uniforms but we thought we would be able to join in with some of the games.
In Worship, we created friendship bracelets. At first we found this hard but worked really well together to show super team work and resilience.
On Thursday, we participated in Spirituality Afternoon where we focussed on The Kingdom of God and how the Christian values are shown today.
Autumn 1 - Native Narratives
Week 7
What a busy week!
On Monday, we welcomed Pets at Home into school to looked at and learn about the different animals. We we’re very excited and felt brave to hold some of the animals!
On Thursday, we went to Brungerley Scultpure Park with year 2, we had a great time and saw lots of different sculptures and we decided what we liked an disliked about them!
On Wednesday, we had our fantastic time in our behaviour treat with Professor Slime.
We finished our documentary all about the Congo Rainforest. We really enjoyed showcasing our learning!
In Science, we looked at magnets and predicated which poles would attract and which would repel and looked at how they worked through different materials.
In English, we finished our retells of Akimbo and the Elephants with a different animal. We thought carefully about using complex sentences and put all of our fantastic ideas all together!
The children have had a wonderful first half term in Year 3 and have settled into the juniors so well!
Year 3 trip to Brungerley Scultpure Park!
The Congo Rainforest!
Week 6
We have had another fantastic week!
In Maths, we started to learn about column addition! This was tricky to lay out but spew showed excellent perseverance and wowed Miss Sivill!
In English, we stepped into role as Akimbo to persuade our father to let us keep the little elephant. We thought really carefully about using conjunctions, commas and adverbs to crate complex sentences!
In RE, we learnt about the Hindu Harvest festival Pongal and created some rangoli inspired art work.
In Art, we finally created our abstract sculptures. We worked really hard with our partners and our final pieces were fantastic!
In Geography, we learnt about climate change and the effect this extreme weather is having on Africa!
On Wednesday, we dressed in yellow to support mental health in young people and thought about how we could help our mental health to improve.
On Friday, we performed our class worship to the school and our families. We were wonderful and enjoyed sharing our learning!
Week 5
We have had a super week!
In English, we have been writing non fiction texts about Africa. We learnt lots of new facts and enjoyed sharing our leanring.
In Maths, we have been working hard on addition and subtraction up to 100 and even starting exchanging ones and tens. We have worked very hard on this!
In RE, we worked with Y1 to build some Sukkah's on the paddock. It was really fun and we were great role models for the younger children. Miss Bateson even treated us to some biscuits!
In Science, we investigated how magnets work at a distance and identified which magnet was the strongest.
In PSHE, we discussed how we can be a good friend and what makes our friends special. WE also talked about how we can make up with our friends when we fall out.
In PE, we learnt a new dance and worked hard to put it into a routine.
In French, we wrote our choosing rhyme, Am Stram Gram. Madame Wardle said we are very good at writing in French!
We have been working hard this week to learn our lines and the songs for our worship next week. We can't wait to welcome you into school!
Week 4
What a busy week!
In English, we have been learning the Elephant poem before we wrote and performed our own! We had wonderful ideas!
In Maths, we started our addition and subtraction unit and recapped number bonds to 10 to help us spot patterns.
In Science, we investigated how cars move on different surfaces and how frictions affected this.
In Geography, we learnt about the hottest places in the world. We went to Libya and wrote Mrs Bass a letter all about what we could see and learnt about the Congo Rain forest. We are excited to create a documentary all about the Congo Rain forest!
In PSHE, we thought about strategies we can use to help us solve problems!
On Thursday, we had a very wet but fantastic Outdoor Learning session. We clambered up walls, whittled sticks and built shelters. We decided to explore just like the Fire Children and felt like we were in the rain forest! OUTDOOR ADVENTUROUS LEARNING
Week 3
We have been working super hard this week!
In English, we wrote in role as Aso Yaa, Kwaku Anase and the Fire Children. We have been working so hard on using conjunctions to create complex sentences. We love using a comma to separate the main and subordinate clause.
In Maths, we have been adding and subtraction 1, 10 and 100 from 3 digit numbers and used number lines to make estimates.
In Art, we started our designs for our sculptures. We thought carefully about making our sculpture into an abstract design.
In RE, we looked at what different Harvest festivals across the world and how these compared to England.
In Geography, we research the Polar Climate and Tundra Biome.
In PSHE, we interviewed each other to find out about each others special people.
We love our Music lessons with Mr Richards where we have been working hard on playing the glockenspiels.
On Monday, we had a Science show all about forces! We were very excited to see how these worked!
On Tuesday, we were so excited to welcome Junior Jam into school. We completed some PE, Performing Arts and Computing!
Science Forces Show!
Week 2
We have had another fantastic week!
In English, we continued to explore The Fire Children and created a retell of the story. Miss Sivill was very impressed with our complex sentences!
In Maths, we looked at numbers up to 1000. We partitioned them into hundreds, tens and ones and also partitioned them in different ways.
In Science, we looked at magnets and what materials they attract to. We made predictions and then completed an investigation to find out if we were correct.
In RE, we listen to some Harvest songs and thought about what these taught us about what Christians believe and how they act.
In Art, we investigated how to join 2D shapes to make 3D shapes. We worked really well with our partners to explore different options.
In PSHE, we looked at rules and why these are important and how these can be different when we are in different locations.
On Tuesday, we welcomed Harold the giraffe and Life Education into class to teach us all about our bodies and changes over time.
We were very excited to use Bedrock for the first time to expand our vocabulary and can’t wait to continue to use it at home.
Week 1
What a fantastic start to Year 3!
The children have been so grown up and sensible as brand new juniors.
In Maths, we have been recapping numbers up to 100. We used base 10 to represent the numbers in different ways and also used number lines to estimate where the number would be placed.
In English, we were very excited to start our new text, The Fire Children, and we made a prediction based on the front cover. We started to use dictionaries to identify what new vocabulary meant and put these into a new sentence.
In Science, we explored forces and the different between push and pull. We used key scientific vocabulary, gravity, air resistance and friction to explain how objects move.
In Geography, we looked at some lines of latitude and how these affect the climate of different places around the globe. WE noticed the further away from the equator, the colder it was!
In RE, we use bible verses to see what the bible told us about Harvest and why it was important.
We really enjoyed our dance unit in PE where we acted as magnets and stuck together in sync and in tandom (even though we had to dance with no music!)
In French, we started a new unit with Madame Wardle all about playtimes and thought about vocabulary we might want to use on the playground if we were in France.
In Art, we looked at the work of Anthony Caro and Ruth Asawa, who are famous sculptures and will inspire our project this half term.
Finally, we were treated to Mr Richards in Music where were worked on some of the African chants we already knew and added the beats.
We are so exited to keep up the hard work next week!
Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it. - Proverbs 22:6
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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