2024/25 Our Learning
Autumn 1 - Native Narratives
Week 2
We have had another fantastic week!
In English, we continued to explore The Fire Children and created a retell of the story. Miss Sivill was very impressed with our complex sentences!
In Maths, we looked at numbers up to 1000. We partitioned them into hundreds, tens and ones and also partitioned them in different ways.
In Science, we looked at magnets and what materials they attract to. We made predictions and then completed an investigation to find out if we were correct.
In RE, we listen to some Harvest songs and thought about what these taught us about what Christians believe and how they act.
In Art, we investigated how to join 2D shapes to make 3D shapes. We worked really well with our partners to explore different options.
In PSHE, we looked at rules and why these are important and how these can be different when we are in different locations.
On Tuesday, we welcomed Harold the giraffe and Life Education into class to teach us all about our bodies and changes over time.
We were very excited to use Bedrock for the first time to expand our vocabulary and can’t wait to continue to use it at home.
Week 1
What a fantastic start to Year 3!
The children have been so grown up and sensible as brand new juniors.
In Maths, we have been recapping numbers up to 100. We used base 10 to represent the numbers in different ways and also used number lines to estimate where the number would be placed.
In English, we were very excited to start our new text, The Fire Children, and we made a prediction based on the front cover. We started to use dictionaries to identify what new vocabulary meant and put these into a new sentence.
In Science, we explored forces and the different between push and pull. We used key scientific vocabulary, gravity, air resistance and friction to explain how objects move.
In Geography, we looked at some lines of latitude and how these affect the climate of different places around the globe. WE noticed the further away from the equator, the colder it was!
In RE, we use bible verses to see what the bible told us about Harvest and why it was important.
We really enjoyed our dance unit in PE where we acted as magnets and stuck together in sync and in tandom (even though we had to dance with no music!)
In French, we started a new unit with Madame Wardle all about playtimes and thought about vocabulary we might want to use on the playground if we were in France.
In Art, we looked at the work of Anthony Caro and Ruth Asawa, who are famous sculptures and will inspire our project this half term.
Finally, we were treated to Mr Richards in Music where were worked on some of the African chants we already knew and added the beats.
We are so exited to keep up the hard work next week!