Welcome to Year 2!
My name is Mrs Harrison and I am the Class Teacher. We also have Mrs Matthews who is our class Teaching Assistant. Mrs Haddow also works with some children in the afternoons. On a Wednesday, Mrs Scholes teaches us.
We are looking forward to sharing all the children's learning taking place inside and outside the classroom over the year. Please make sure you check the 'Our Learning' tab to see what we have been doing each week!
Year 2 Reminders
-Please read at home with your child as much as possible. At least 3 times a week.
- Please can book bags be brought to school each day.
-Children will receive Phonics/Spelling and Theme Home Learning once a week.
-Children can bring a bottle of water into school each day.
-Please ensure your child’s clothing is clearly labelled with their name to avoid lost uniform.
Sports Days
PE is on Monday and Thursday.
Children will need to wear their sports kits to school on these days.