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Our Learning Journal 24/25

Spring Term 1 - Week 2


We have all been very excited to be back to school this week, beginning our new learning. This term our main focus in Reception will be exploring and comparing hot and cold climates. 
In Literacy, we have begun exploring the text Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. This week listening and retelling the story events as well as writing character descriptions of the boy and the penguin.

In phonics we began our phase 3 learning, our new learning has been j, v, w, x, y and z. In Maths our focus has been recapping last weeks learning of representing zero and exploring subitising and representing 0-5.


During continuous provision we have enjoyed the igloo den, painting penguins and completing our writing challenges to earn dojo points! 


We have had our first session with Mr Richard’s our music teacher, the children had a very enthusiastic start today learning the rules and different beats and rhythms. We practised lots of new songs with actions.


We have continued our gymnastics sessions on a Thursday with Mrs Winward, we practised our forward rolls then got the skipping ropes out the children are working on mastering this skill and Mrs Winward is really proud of all the children for their efforts and enthusiasm!

Spring Term 1 - Week 1

Due to snow and extremely dangerous conditions on and around the school grounds we have been unable to attend school for most of the week! But we have been busy doing amazing learning at home! Thank you to everyone who has uploaded their superb learning onto Tapestry. Here are some of our pictures…


Our snowy fun on Tuesday in school this week… 

Autumn Term 2 - Week 6



On Friday 13th December we have been lucky enough to have a glimpse into the Swedish tradition of Lucia day. 

A child in our class shared her photos, traditions and brought in some delicious Lussekatter (sweet saffron buns) for everyone to try that she made with her family at home. 
We watched a video of the Lucia procession whilst we ate the Lussekatter and enjoyed looking at the book brought in about Traditions in Sweden. ☺️ πŸ•― 🌟 

Thank you to this family for sharing their celebration with us today at school! 

Autumn Term 2 - Week 5


What a fantastically festive week we have had in Reception! On Tuesday we went on a school trip to the pantomime at the empire theatre. We loved watching Jack and the Beanstalk and enjoyed getting involved in the crowd! Then on Wednesday and Friday we performed our Christmas Nativity - The Twinkly Nativity to all of our families. We were all amazing on stage; remembering our lines and singing beautifully! All of our EYFS adults are very proud of our performance and the effort we all put into our nativity. 


We have continued our wonderful learning this week; in maths we have been focussed on 1,2,3 with an emphasis on subitising (knowing how many without counting!). In phonics we have been consolidating sounds and have been applying our knowledge whilst reading and writing! 

Autumn Term 2 - Week 4

It has been a exciting frosty week of learning with Reception Class! We have been outdoors lots this week enjoying the wonderful snowy weather in our outdoor area!

This week, during Phonics sessions we have learnt some new phoneme/grapheme's: ss, ll. This week we have recapped all our learnt tricky words.  We have all done fantastic writing, practicing these graphemes in words and sentences too! 
In Literacy we have been focusing on our core text - The Elves and the Shoemakers. We have been listening and learning the story, as well as orally retelling the story and drawing the key events in the story.  In maths we have been practising our 1:1 correspondence and our number formation. 

In Gymnastics, Reception have been very busy practising all the different moves we have been learning over the past few weeks.
Mrs Winward is really impressed with the progress they have made with their backward rolls.

This week in our French lesson we recapped the colours we have already looked at blanc, rouge and bleu. Madam Wardle taught us some new colours, we learnt rose-pink, orange-orange, Marron-brown, Violet-purple, noir-black, Gris-grey, vert-green and Jaune-yellow.

This week we have also had out Outdoor Learning session. During our outdoor adventure, we went for a walk around the woods, we explored the field in the snow and went walking around the reservoir. We had lots of fun!



Autumn Term 2 - Week 3


On Monday, Reception class have walked up to Hoddlesden War Memorial for our school service to pay our respects for Remembrance Day.  We have talked about the importance of ‘Remembrance Day’ and why we do this every year - to remember the fallen soldiers.  We made sure to stay safe on our walk up and talked about road safety.

This week, in phonics our new learning is: l, f, ff.  We have practised the sounds through lots of wonderful games and we have also applied our phonics learning to our mark making and writing activities. In maths this week we have been busy learning about subitising and one more than a number within our ‘Composition of 1, 2, 3’ focus. 


Children in Need 2023
On Friday morning we had an assembly delivered by the schools Values Committee to educate us all on why we do Children in Need. 
We then had lots of fun in Reception class getting creative and doing activities for Children in Need. 
Thankyou to everyone for your kind donations and fantastic efforts. ⭐️😊

Autumn Term 2 - Week 2


It has been another busy week for Reception Class. We have been confidently exploring enhancements of provision, which have included creating poppies for Remembrance Day.


We have continued our phonics development, this week focussed on consolidating our phonics knowledge. We have been practising our letter formation, and some of us have been writing words and short captions on the learning table. 


During our French session this week we have been practising our colours, we did an excellent job remembering the colours that we learnt last week in French and playing games! Madame Wardle was very impressed!

Autumn Term 2 - Week 1


The children have returned to school absolutely brilliantly!
They have shown so much resilience and confidence upon their return to school and in provision.  We have been on an Autumn walk around the local area, around the reservoir and woodland. We spotted many signs of Autumn and talked about road safety, 

During phonics we have recapped our previous learning from before the half term and we have also learnt the new GPC’s: h, r, b.  We have been practising writing and reading the sounds we know as well as applying them into CVC words or sentences.  In maths this week we have been busy learning about subitising, one more and one less than a number within our ‘Composition of 1, 2, 3’ focus. 

In provision this week we have particularly enjoyed exploring our story shelf around our core text ‘The elves and the shoemaker’, we have been role playing in our shoe shop; and we have been exploring places of significance for people in our community in the construction area.


We ended the week celebrating Diwali, we learnt about the festival of light and joined in expressive arts and design activities focussed on Rangoli patterns. ☺️πŸͺ” 


Diwali Diya light dance

Still image for this video

Autumn Term 1 - Core Text Display ‘The Three Little Pigs’. 🐽 🐽 🐽 🐺 

Autumn Term 1 - Week 7


I can’t believe our last week of our first half term has finished! It has been an absolute pleasure to watch the children learn and grow over the last 7 weeks. They have all been wonderful and have thrived in their new environment.

In Phonics we have been recapping our sounds from this half term.  We have been applying our phonics learning to read and write words or sentences! In Maths we have been focussed on counting objects and numbers 1, 2 & 3.  In our Literacy sessions this week we have been writing autumn words and sentences- our writing tasks have been focused on hearing initial sounds in words and writing these, some of us have also been writing CVC words and sentences independently! ☺️
We have had our French and Gymnastics curriculum enhancements this week and these will continue next half term. 

Autumn Term 1 - Week 6


Well, another wonderful week has gone by in Reception class! 

In Phonics our new learning is; ck, e & u. We have been applying our phonics learning to read and write words or sentences! 

In Maths we have been focussed on recognising and creating repeating patterns.  In our Literacy sessions this week our writing tasks have been focused on hearing initial sounds in words and writing these, some of us have also been writing CVC words and sentences independently! ☺️

In French this week, Madame Wardle recapped the children’s learning of the French Flag.  They learned the name of the flag, ‘Le Tricolore’, and the colours of the flag ‘blue, blanc, rouge’. In Gymnastics everybody joined in and listened wonderfully to Mrs Winward. We warmed up using scarves, stretching and practising our gymnastics poses. We then practiced our sequence that we have been learning this half term. 

Next week will be our final week before the October term holiday - we break up on Friday afternoon at our normal time. 

Autumn Term 1 - Week 5


Well, another wonderful week has gone by in Reception class! 

In Phonics our new learning is; o, c & k. We have been applying our phonics learning to read and write words or sentences!  In Maths we have been focussed on comparing measure such as height and mass.  In our Literacy sessions this week our writing tasks have been focused on hearing initial sounds in words and writing these, some of us have also been writing CVC words and sentences independently! ☺️


Reception class have had their first Outdoor Adventurous Learning (OAL) session, focusing on our core text 'The Three Little Pigs'. The whole class took part in many OAL activities such as; training as ‘pig protectors' by completing an obstacle course; stream walking to find the three little pigs; rope climbing; den building; and toasting marshmallows on the fire.


in Gymnastics this week the are getting really good at their positions tuck, pike and straddle.
The children really enjoyed having a go on the ropes, some children were very competitive getting to the top of the ropes in little time!

Autumn Term 1 - Week 4


We have had another amazing week in Reception! In phonics our new learning has been; m, d & g - we have been applying our phonics learning to read and write words or sentences! πŸ‘πŸŒŸ In Maths we have been developing our knowledge of sorting and grouping objects.

In gymnastics, we have took part in lots of different exercises such as spinning, jumping, walking on tiptoes, balancing and stretching. All children followed clear instructions. In our French learning this week, Madame Wardle introduced us to some animals in French and we used our prior learning of French greetings to introduce ourselves to the animals. Half of the class have continued their biking award sessions this week at Junction 4 skatepark, showing developing control on the balance bikes. This week manoeuvring over obstacles, around cones and even on small ramps! 


We have enjoyed lots of activities relating to MacMillan Coffee Morning, the children have enjoyed making cups of tea and coffee, role playing tea parties, cutting and sticking, and making some lovely designs on teapots. Thank you very much for your generous donations of cakes and for those who were able to join us for this morning! 

Autumn Term 1 - Week 3


We have had a very busy week!  In reception this week we have enjoyed exploring the provision with our peers, in particular; building Lego houses for the three little pigs; role playing houses and teacher; and searching for mini beasts outdoors.

This week in phonics we have been learning our phase two sounds; i, n & p.  The children have been fabulous in our phonics sessions, doing great listening and following instructions. We have also been practising forming our new graphemes through; mark making in sand; with paint; using the whiteboards and outdoors with chalk. 


The Reception children who are completing the Youth British Cycling Award at Junction 5 Skatepark this term have had their first session this week.  This session focussed on being safe on a bike and the children's confidence on the balance bikes, pushing with just one leg; manoeuvring around cones; and controlling their bikes. The children were fantastic, showing great listening skills and all tried their very best!  

Autumn Term 1 - Week 2

We have had a brilliant second week in EYFS class. The children have continued to build relationships with peers and have explored the continuous provision with confidence.  The children have been absolutely fantastic in the big hall at lunchtime and have loved exploring the big playground and apparatus outdoors on the yard. 

Miss Clayton has been so impressed with the children’s listening and involvement in their carpet and group sessions such as phonics, mark making (pencil control), Maths, PSHE and worship.  During phonics this week our new learning has been: s, a & t. During our focussed provision time the children have had lots of opportunities to develop their fine motor skills, practise letter formation and writing their names. In our Reception outdoor area we have been focussed on developing our gross motor skills; creating obstacle courses with the tyres and planks; water painting using big brushes; and building using the large blocks.

Our extra learning experiences have included; a visit from the Life Education bus where we learnt about our bodies, our first gymnastics session with Mrs Winward and French with Madame Wardle. 

Autumn Term 1 - Week 1


Our First Week! 🌟☺️

The children have been absolutely amazing this week.  It has been great to observe the children interacting and becoming more familiar with the environment and each other. We can already see some special friendships forming and their great individual characters shining through.  The children have explored the indoor and outdoor provision wonderfully! They have also been superstars at lunch time where they learned how to get their cutlery, cup and tray independently. As well as provision, the children have accessed their first PE lessons and their first French session with Madame Wardle.

Miss Clayton is so proud of all the children for their confidence and resilience this week. Well done to all of Reception! We can't wait to see you all again, on Monday. πŸŒŸπŸ‘

Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
