2022/23 Our Learning
Summer 2 - Hoddlesden Globe!
Summer 2 Week 5!
What a busy week! In English, we explored Romeo and Juliet and retold the story in small groups using actions and intonation. On Tuesday, we created a setting description of Verona, we used amazing vocabulary! In Maths, we completed our end of unit quizzes and wowed Miss Sivill with our knowledge and resilience! In RE, we tried a Sedar plate with Miss Sullivan. We were intrigued but the different foods and tried lots of different things! On Wednesday and Thursday, we spent some time in Year 4 with Mrs Bullen. We had a wonderful time and were very mature! On Friday, we performed our gymnastics routine, Mr Dugdale was amazed! We had excellent skills and synchronisation. We also made and decorated our castles in DT. We worked hard to match our deigns and took care in our final presentations!

Summer 2 Week 4!
Outdoor Adventurous Learning June 2023

Summer 2 Week 3!
We have had another busy week! In English, we wrote a persuasive letter to the fly to encourage her to come into our web before we held a class debate to decide if it was acceptable for the spider to eat the fly! In Maths, we started learning about shape, we looked at acute, obtuse and right angles. We had excellent mathematical vocabulary! In Science, we looked at reflection and completed an investigation to see which materials reflected light! In DT, we created 3D shapes using nets and baked our own apple crumble, we thought it tasted delicious! In Geography, we looked at the features of the coast. In French, we added verbs to the animals, we are getting more fluent every week!
Week 2!
We have had another excellent week! In English, we stepped into role as the spider and the fly to retell the events of the story before we thought about how we would persuade the fly to come into our parlour! In Maths, we calculated durations and used different units of time to measure events! In Science, we learnt about light and the natural and artificial sources! In DT, we looked at some seasonal fruits before we made our own fruit kebab! We also started to design our own castle using 3D shapes. In Geography, we looked at some costal towns and identified the different activities you can do there! In PE, we practised out rolling skills and gave our partners feedback. In Computing, we tinkered on scratch to make the scratch move through the maze!
Summer 2 Week 1
What a super first week!
The children have returned for their final term in year 3 and have matured into sensible and responsible independent learners!
In English, we started our new text, The Spider and the Fly by Mary Howitt, a classic narrative poem. We enjoyed listening to the poem and deciding if spiders were always bad characters, the children had excellent responses. We also identified some new vocabulary and used our inferences skills to work out the meaning before we retold the poem in small groups. In Maths, we continued to explore time and focussed on hours, days, weeks and months. We had excellent recall of knowledge! In DT, we started to design our own structures using the features of a castle. In Geography, we identified different coasts around the UK and started to label the regions using accurate vocabulary. In PSHE, we thought about our different talents and performed some of these for the class! In Computing, we did some programming using scratch and explored how the sprite can move using different keys on the key board. In French, we enjoyed listening to Madame Wardle retell the story of Les Quartre Amis, and listened carefully for the vocabulary we already knew and the ones we could understand from the actions! Madame wardle thought we were an excellent audience!
Wonderful work Year 3, Well done!
Summer 1 - Historical Heroes!
Summer 1 Week 6!
What a wonderful end to the half term!
In English, we created an innovated retell on Stone Age boy set in the Iron Age. We have been working very hard to include our year 3 writing skills, speech, conjunctions and commas! In Maths, we continued to work on time, we used analogue clocks to tell the time to every 1 minute and started to look at digital clocks! In Science, we completed an investigation to see how water is transported in plants. We were amazed by the results! In History, we created a power point to campaign why school should be a listed building! In French, we enjoyed matching images with the body parts and colours, we are working very hard on our sentence structure and punctuation! On Wednesday, we had a lovely afternoon as part of our outdoor learning where we created stone wall paintings, used natural resources to create texture rubbings and created a shelter using natural resources!
On Friday, we had a great behaviour treat on the paddock!
Outdoor adventurous learning May 2023!

Summer 1 Week 5!
What a busy week! We LOVED Sports Day on Thursday! We showed the sporting values and showcased our wonderful athletic skills! On Wednesday we also welcomed John into school to deliver a cricket session, it was great to learn new skills and we can't wait to keep practising!
In English, we started our non fiction unit on non chronological reports, we researched facts about the Stone Age before we presented in a report. We thought very carefully about the features of a non chronological report, including using formal and technical vocabulary! In Maths, we started our new unit of time. We wowed Miss Sivill with our recall of o'clock and half past and applied this to problem solving! In Science, we learnt more about the lifecycle of a plant and used key scientific vocabulary to explain this process, including, seed dispersal, germination and pollination! In Art, we looked closed at the details in the plant images and used our skills on shading to add dimensions to our own drawings! We are taking lots of care in our drawings! In French, we started to use our knowledge of colours to describe different body parts! In PSHE, we have been thinking about everyone's opinions and why we need to listen to and respect what other people think even if it is different to ours!
Sports Day 2023!

Summer 1 Week 4!
We have had another short and sweet week! On Wednesday, we had a MAGICAL time on our school trip to Brockholes, Preston! We did some pond dipping and mini beast identification, watched for birds and learnt all about plants and how they grow to build on our science knowledge! The children represented the school beautifully and had an amazing time!
In English, we created our innovated retell of Once Upon an Ordinary School Day by using our own imagination to create the setting. We are wonderful at using noun phrases, conjunctions and speech in our writing! In Maths, we finished our unit on money by adding and subtracting amounts and finding change, we have learnt lots about money and have done a great job applying our knowledge to problem solving! In PE, we have been practising our athletics skills ready for sports day! In History, we asked the question, Should our school be a listed building? We created a for and against list and had a wonderful discussion about our options, we can't wait to present this in a powerpoint! In Art, we looked at texture, we created beautiful abstract pictures of flowers using different colours, textures and rubbings, the children were very proud of their final pieces! In Science, we planted our own sunflowers, we can’t wait to watch them grow!
Summer 1 Week 3!
We have had a very short but sweet week!
We are very excited for the coronation of King Charles and have spent the week celebrating him and his achievements! We created a wonderful portrait of King Charles inspired by Picasso! We spent some time researching King Charles and created a fact file all about him! We also learnt about the Commenwealth and were very excited to learn more about our focus country, Nauru, which is the smallest country in the Commenwealth! We had a wonderful street party in the corridor with our families to celebrate!
In English, we continued to look at the story, Once Upon an Ordinary School Day and stepped into role as the ordinary boy and Mister Gee to explain what happened and how we felt! We have been using lots of year 3 skills in our writing! In Maths, we loved learning about money and wowed Miss Sivill with our knowledge of coins and notes!
Week 2!
What another super week! We have had lots of wonderful curriculum enhancements this week!
On Monday, we had a Lego workshop where we built monuments in London, we loved working year 2! On Tuesday, we took part in a TriKidz Duathlon where we ran, biked and ran, we showed fantastic resilience and perseverance especially when we were tired on the second lap! This week has also been World Daily Mile Week, we ran 69 miles this week as a class and received a certificate for our participation!
In English, we have been exploring haiku poems, we practising applying syllables to fit the criteria of a haiku poem and wrote and performed our own based on the Stone Age! We had fantastic ideas! In Maths, we continued to develop our problem solving skills with fractions, we completed our end of unit assessment and WOWED Miss Sivill with our amazing knowledge! In Science, we completed an investigation to discover if plants need light to grow, we thought carefully about making sure it was a fair test! In PSHE, we designed a poster about staying healthy, we have been working very hard on our team work skills! In History, we completed some research on the local listed building in Hoddlesden, we found out lots of interesting facts. In Art, we developed out shading skills, we thought about the rules of shading and practised applying this to a drawing. In PE, we developed out jumping skills and started to put these into a routine. In French, we learnt parts of the body and sang the song head, shoulders, knees and toes in French!
Our haiku poems!

TriKidz Duathlon!

Week 1!
We have had the most wonderful week! The children have returned to school wonderfully and have settled straight back into routines as we enter our final term of year 3!
In English, we started our new story, Stone Age Boy, we recalled our prior knowledge of the Stone Age and made predictions about the book! Then we created amazing retells, we made sure to include lots of conjunctions to make our writing excellent! In Maths, we recapped fractions. We added and subtracted fractions with the same denominator and wowed Miss Sivill with our problem solving skills! In Science, we explored the different parts and functions of a flowering plant, we can’t wait for our school trip to Brockholes as part of our science learning! In History, we used artefacts to explore Hoddlesden in the past, we learnt lots of new facts! In Art, we looked at still life drawings, we thought carefully about what we could see on the object not what we could remember and added shadings to show dimensions and try to make our drawings more 3D. In PSHE, we thought about what makes us healthy and the Eatwell Guide, we created a menu and justified our choices! In Computing, we looked at different signs and discussed the use of text and images and how they scan help us to identify the meanings. In French, we discussed pronouns and what we can use for he, she and I.
On Friday, we did our Hop, Skip and Jump with Mrs Harrison to raise money for East Lancs Hospice. We hopped 4miles, skipped 4miles and jumped 4miles altogether! Super team work!
Spring 2 - Treasures Tales!
Our French learning! 🇫🇷

Egyptian dancing!

Week 5!
We have had a very busy week!
In English, we finally finished the Creakers and were relieved to find out that Lucy became the hero and saved the grown up and the Creakers! We stepped into role a journalist to wrote a newspaper article to share the events with the world! We have been working very hard to include speech, conjunctions and commas in our writing! In Maths, we moved on to capacity and volume and used ml and l to measure the amount of liquid in a container. We have been using our knowledge of number to solve problems involving capacity and volume. In Science, we looked at different joints and identified the movements which help us to do this. In Art, we used natural resources to create our cave wall background ready to paint! In PE, we practised out tennis skills, we showed good control and accuracy when hitting the ball! In Guided Reading, we completed our end of term reading assessments and wowed Miss Sivill with our amazing reading and inference skills!
On Thursday, we were very lucky to have an additional gymnastics session with Mrs Winward where we participated in some circuit training! On Monday, we had a wonderful and muddy outdoor learning session where we created a habitat for a frog! You can watch the video of our learning below!
On Wednesday we performed out class worship to the school and our grown ups, we spoke and sang beautifully and impressed everyone! Some of us them performed again in church on Sunday!
Year 3 you are amazing performers, I am so proud!
Outdoor Adventurous Learning!

Week 4!
What another fantastic week!
In English, we stepped into role as the Creakers to write a diary entry before we answered question role role as Lucy and the Creakers ready for our newspaper report! We have been working very hard to use our year 3 writing skills of conjunctions, main and subordinate clauses and commas! In Maths, we explored mass and learnt about grams and kg. We compared them and found equivalent masses! In Science, we looked at the importance of a muscles and created our own model to show how a muscle contracts and relaxes! In Art, we created our own paints like they used in prehistoric times and started to explore the natural colours and resources! In PE, we were very excited to get back to our Ancient Egyptian dances! In Computing, we created our own branching databases using yes/no questions. In History, we thought about the changes that happened during the Iron Age and if these were because of the discovery of Iron or for other reasons, we gave super justifications! In French, we learnt some different activities and celebrations! On Friday, we had a wonderful Jag Tag Taster session with Coach Marcus and learnt lots of new skills and facts about American Football!
Jag Tag American Football Taster session!

Week 3
What another non stop week!
In English, we continued to explore the Creakers. We stepped into role as Lucy and the Creakers and did think, say feel bubbles about when Lucy trapped the Creakers but they tricked her and escaped back into the Woleb. We love using speech marks in our writing! In Maths, we started our new topic of mass and capacity and looked at how number lines can be used to mark measurements, we identified the intervals and are looking forward to calculating the mass of different objects next week. In RE, we thought more about Easter and if Good Friday was the start of the end of Holy Week. We also spent some time entering a competition to design a new bench for King Charles, we are very excited to see if we win! On Tuesday, we had a wonderful day learning about the events of Holy Week across school as part of Spirituality Day, we spent some time in different classes with different children. It was great to see all of the children working so fantastically with some new friends!
Week 2
What a great week!
In English, we continued to look at the Creakers and used drama to recreate the events of how to catch the creakers before we wrote instructions of how to do this! In Maths, we further explored fractions and started to understand how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator! We are super mathematicians! In History, we explored artefacts and made inferences about what life was like in the Bronze Age. In Art, we started to scale up our drawings and added shading to made our drawings more life like. In PE, we worked in pairs to create a wonderful ancient Egyptian style dance! In Computing, we stared to create our own branching databases thinking about which yes and no questions to ask. In Science, we did some great outdoor learning to label the muscles in the body! In French, we learnt different words to say well done and excellent, c’est fantastique! In RE we discussed the events of Holy Week and made decisions about whether we thought it was all joy, sadness or a mixture of both.
On Friday, we had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day! We enjoyed learning our whole school story, The Day the Crayons Quit. We wrote our own poem based on the book and created a whole class performance! You can watch out poem here! The Day the Crayons Quit We enjoyed spending some time reviewing and recommending books on Friday afternoon and creating bookmarks to use in our favourite books!
World Book Day!
Week 1
What a busy week! In English, we were so excited to start our new story, The Creakers! We couldn’t wait to find out more about them and were shocked to discover they were creatures hidden under the bed! We explored the mysterious world of the Woleb and created a setting description. In Maths, we started a new unit of Fractions, we impressed Miss Sivill with our knowledge of denominators and numerators and have started to problem solve showing off our knowledge! In Art, we were excited to start our new painting unit, we looked at prehistoric paintings and created our own drawings based on British animals thinking about the shapes and outline. In History, we consolidated our knowledge of the Stone Age and compared this to the Bronze Age, we were shocked to find out that bronze is made of copper and tin! In PE, we had a wonderful outdoor session practising our tennis skills, we worked on our forehand skills. In Science, we did some outdoor learning to predict and investigate which muscles we used when doing different exercises. In Computing, we explored branching data bases and used yes, no questions to sort objects. On Thursday, we were very lucky to have Mrs Scholes in class and wowed her with our musical performances of a new song! In French, we learnt about Carnaval de Nice and were impressed with the amazing designs and celebrations!
Spring 1 Amazing Asia
Week 6!
What a fantastic end to half term!
In English, we wrote our own innovated version of Mulan with a new character set in the Oki islands. We thought very hard about including our Year 3 writing skills, direct speech, conjunctions and commas! In Maths, we finished our unit on length and perimeter by measuring and calculating the perimeter of 2D shapes. We wowed Miss Sivill in our end of unit assessment! In DT, we worked so hard to finally finish our Cushions for Mulan, we secured the fabric by using a running stitch, filled it with stuffing and finished by adding decorations in fabric pens. We were so proud of our final pieces! In Gymnastics, we played some wonderful games and worked well as a team! In French, we practised saying our birthday in French and asking people when their birthday was! In Music, we wrote our own lyrics to a song, we have worked very hard on keeping the rhythm. As part of children’s mental health week, we thought about connections we created paper chains to show how we were all connected and enjoyed some wonderful whole class games at playtime!
On Friday afternoon, we enjoyed watching Mulan with popcorn and snacks as part of our behaviour treat to celebrate our wonderful hard work over the half term!
Well done Year 3, you have had a wonderful half term! 🤩🤩
Year 3’s innovated song!

Week 5!
What another great week!
In English we wrote up our Oki Islands fact files, we took great pride in our work and loved sharing our work! In Maths, we started to identify equivalent lengths, we know our facts to compare mm, cm and m. In DT, we started to attach our designs to our cushions using running stitches, some of us even started to add cross stitches for extra decoration. In PSHE, we thought about keeping ourselves safe online and why this is so important! In Geography, we used longitude and latitude references to find different places in Google maps. In Gymnastics, we loved using the apparatus to practise our vaults and showing off our routines. Mrs Winward was very impressed with how hard we have worked over the half term! On Friday, we had a fantastic day as part of NSPCC number day. We went on a number hunt, found multiples, solved problems and played a great game of bingo!
Week 4!
We have had another busy week!
In English we started our linked text, The Legend of Tokoyo, The Samurari's daughter. We thought about the similarities and differences between Tokoyo and Mulan and how they were both strong, independent female characters. We started to plan and research the Oki Islands ready to write out own fact files next week. In Maths, we started our new unit of length and measure, we looked at mm, cm and m and compared them. In Science, we learnt about the different bones in the body. In Geography, we learnt about the different lines of latitude and longitude and used these to help us research some different countries in Asia. In PE, we learnt some hockey skills and practised working in teams. In DT, we used our templates to cut the fabric ready to start sewing next week. We worked hard to cut carefully and showed resilience when it was hard. In RE, we looked at the story of Saint Paul, we discussed how his life changed after he was called by God. In French we practided reading and writing the French months.
On Tuesday, we loved our Mulan inspired Outdoor Adventure Learning. We shared our positive affirmations, used natural resources to create a picture, showed off our super warrior strength and shared our favourite things that our friends do to make us feel special!
Outdoor adventurous learning!

Week 3!
In English, we have been retelling the events of Mulan’s training and the war, we retold it as Mulan before we retold it independently in third person. We worked very hard to include our Year three skills, like conjunctions, main and subordinate clauses and speech! In Maths, we finished our unit on multiplication and division by dividing with remainders and super hard problems! We have worked very hard over the past few weeks and our end of unit quizzes showcased our super knowledge! In Science, we recapped what we knew about the food groups and researched different Asian animals to see how their diet and habitat were different to humans. In RE, we talked about Zacchaeus and how we could describe him after he met Jesus and how Jesus changed his life. In Geography, we used the atlas’s to identify and label different natural features in Asia. In DT, we created a template for our cushions, we used different animals and Chinese symbols to make sure our designs met our design brief. In Computing, we continued to explore scratch, we experimented using different sequences and starting points so the sprites moved at different times. In French, we learnt more months of the year and added actions to help us remember them!
Week 2
What a busy week!
In English, we explored new vocabulary before we stepped into role as Mulan and her father to explain what we thought, felt and said when Mulan went to war. We learnt how to use speech marks and were amazing! In Maths, we have been multiplying and dividing 2 digit numbers, we are working so hard on solving 2 step problems! In DT, we created a mood board and designed out plan for our cushion.in Geography, we started our new topic of Our World and used the atlas to label a map of Asia, we worked very hard with our partners. In Science, we recapped our knowledge of different food types and created a tally to see which food was the most popular in our class! In Computing, we continued to explore scratch and included lots of different movements with different sprites. In RE, we explored the coming of Levi, we thought about what was important to Levi before and after he met Jesus and why these things changed. In Music, we used glockenspiels to add layers and dimensions to our song. In PE, we continued to develop our amazing gymnastics skills, we learnt a new routine and focussed on our body control. In French, we learnt the months of the year and noticed some of them were written similar to in English!
Week 1
We have had the most wonderful start to 2023! We started the week of by sharing some holidays news and talking about our New Years resolutions.
In English we were introduced to our new focus text, Mulan. We looked at other texts with strong female characters and discussed their characteristics, before we retold the poem, A Girl Worth Fighting For. 🤺 On Friday we explored finding and justifying evidence through inference, we had some wonderful ideas! In Maths, we continued with our multiplication unit, and spotted patterns when multiplying by ones and tens. We have drawn lots of arrays to help us with our learning! ✖️In Computing, we practised using scratch and making a sprite move and added sounds! In Gymnastics, we wowed Mrs Winward with our skills and worked on our forward and backward rolls ready to create a sequence of movements. 🤸♀️🤸 In French, we learnt about how France celebrate epiphany and how this is different to England! In RE, we discussed changes than had happened to us and around the world, how they made us feel and why. In DT, we started our new topic of textiles and practised the skills of running and cross stitches ready to create a cushion over the half term! 🪡
What a fantastic week, well done year 3! 🤩🤩🤩
Autumn 2 Factual Footprints
Week 6
What a super week!
In English, we finished our work on the Iron Man by rewriting the story including anew event! We thought carefully about making our sentences interesting and editing them to make them amazing! In Maths, we consolidated our knowledge of multiplication and division before we showed off all of our skills and knowledge from this year so far in our pend of term assessments! We did amazing, Miss Sivill was so impressed! In Computing, we created a storyboard to retell the events of the Christmas story ready to turn into an animation next week. In French, we finished our unit with a wonderful song and clapping rhyme to consolidate our knowledge of numbers up to 20 and ‘La recre’. In History, we thought about what the most important change was through to the Stone Age period. In DT, we enjoyed finishing our exploding Christmas trees by adding a surprise in the layers and designing a poster to help sell them! On Tuesday, we loved the pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk, and represented our school wonderfully! On Friday, we enjoyed our Christmas dinner and showing off our fantastic Christmas jumpers!
What a busy week, we can’t wait to perform at the Christmas carol concert next week to finish off our first term in year 3!
Week 5
This week has been non stop! In English we thought of adjectives to describe the cliff top and the scrap yard and then used word hippo to find synonyms before we created setting description using all of our wonderful year 3 writing skills! In Maths, we have been looking at multiplying and dividing numbers by 3 and 4. We used our knowledge of arrays and sharing to help us! In French we added the claps to our rhyme and noticed how some of the words rhymed! In RE, we thought about the role of the angels in sharing the good news of Jesus’ birth and asked questions to the shepherds. On Monday we enjoyed making our Christmas baubles to sell at the Christmas fair! In PSHE, we thought about what makes us different and how it is important to respect these differences. On Wednesday, we had a wonderful day when we travelled back in time to the Stone Age! We foraged four food, built shelters, made Stone Age food and used natural material to create paint! Have a look at our full adventure here,
Week 4
What a busy week!
In English we collected adjectives to describe the Iron Man before we put these ideas into a shape poem, we had wonderful ideas! Then we retold the events of The Iron Man by Ted Hughes before we stepped into role as the Iron Man to describe what we could see and hear and how we felt before we stepped off the cliff! We worked very hard on including a range of conjunctions and main and subordinate clauses! In Maths, we started our new unit of multiplication and division by looking at equal groups, arrays and multiples of 2. We wowed Miss Sivill with our confidence, knowledge and application of skills in problem solving! In Science, we looked at the process of fossil formation and wrote an explanation text to explain how it happens, we thought carefully about the key scientific vocabulary we needed to include! In DT we started to decorate the layers of our Christmas trees, we used a range of colours and glitter to make them look amazing! In History, we learnt about Stonehenge and discussed how we thought the stones were transported and assembled before we retold it in our own words. We are very excited for our Stone Age day next week!
We couldn’t wait to practise our lines for our upcoming performance in the Christmas carol concert!
What a super week, well done year 3! 🤩
The Iron Man by Ted Hughes

Week 3
What a super week!
In English, we have been focusing on instructions. We identified the features before we stepped into role as Hogarth to instruct people how to catch the Iron Man and then wrote them up, we were very clear! Then we learnt a new poem, The Iron Man by Brenda Williams and used actions to retell it! In Maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge of addition and subtraction by adding 2- and 3-digit numbers ensuring that we use the correct column to help us with our written methods! In Science, we investigated soil and its contents. In History, we looked at the Neolithic site Skara Brae and used artefacts to make inferences about what we thought life might have been like! In RE, we thought about the story of Noah and retold the events in first person. In PSHE, we thought about anti bullying week and different ways we can be a good friend and help to stand up for people who are being bullied. In DT, we started to design our exploding Christmas Trees, we used thumbnail sketches and exploded diagrams to refine our design ready to create. In Computing, we created our own animations on iMovie to show how stick men can move! We worked very hard with our partners! In PE, we worked hard on our Bollywood dances and amazed Miss Sivill with our wonderful skills!
We were very excited to start learning some of our Christmas carols ready for our Carol Concert in December!
The Iron Man by Brenda Williams

Week 2
What a busy week! 🤩🤩🤩
In English we finished writing our biographies about Mary Anning and used lots of our Year 3 writing skills to make it fantastic. We also explored the rock cycle and completed an investigation to recreate this using chocolate before we wrote up the rock cycle as an explanation text. In Maths, we started to look at using written column addition and subtraction, we wowed Miss Sivill with our formal methods! In DT, we investigated pneumatic systems and used air to move books and paper across the classroom! In History, we compared the old and middle stone ages, we were shocked to discover how much they had started to advance over the years but noticed it was still very different to today! In PSHE, we had wonderful discussions about different types of families and how this doesn’t matter because we know they all love us! In RE, we looked at the story of Elijah and thought about what we would do to help the world if we were a prophet! In French, we consolidated our knowledge of numbers up to 20 and added actions to support our pronunciations! In Music, we continued to use stones to create a beat, we wrote our own rhythms and then performed them as a group. On Wednesday, we had a wonderful time on our Outdoor Adventurous Learning session, take a look below to see what we did! We also become Rock Stars on Wednesday, we loved joining the band!
Outdoor Adventurous learning November 2022

Week 1
What a fantastic start to Autumn 2! 🤩🤩
We started our Factual Footprints topic with a focus on rocks and fossils. In English, we have been exploring biographies and started to research Mary Anning. We took notes, before we separated our information into paragraphs. In Maths, we continued our learning on addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers, by working with two numbers and crossing tens. We found this tricky but have worked very hard to improve our resilience and determination! In Worship, we focussed on friendship and we worked together to create friendship bracelets. In History, we looked at the The Stone Age and sorted different types of rocks in the three periods of Stone Age History. In Computing, we started our stop frame animation unit and used post it notes to create a flip book animation to show the movement of a stick man. We also thought about how we can keep safe online and what to do if we see or receive any inappropriate photos. In Science, we investigated the properties of rocks and sorted them into groups based on their properties. In Music, we used rocks to make our own rhythms and wrote short pieces of music before we performed them! In RE, we thought about Moses and how he must have felt when he was called by God at the burning bush. In French, we learnt about different French playground games and compared them to our games.
What a fantastic week, you are all superstars! 🌟🌟
Autumn 1 Native Narratives
Week 7
What a super finish to our first half term in Year 3!
In English, we rewrote Akimbo and the Elephants by using our own African animal. We thought carefully about using our Year 3 writing skills and then finally presented our story like a book. In Maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge of adding and subtracting tens and ones when we need to cross the ten and hundred. We have shown great resilience and perseverance and applied our mathematical connections to support us! In Science, we presented all of learning about forces and magnets in a knowledge book, we used scientific terminology to explain the processes! In RE, we looked at Jonah and the whale and identified the most important parts of the story. In Geography, we put our learning of climate change into a report and some of us even presented them to the class as a TV reporter! In Computing, we used the green screen to present our information about devices. We were very confident in our videos! In Music, we performed our final song, we focused on our harmonies and performance skills, our singing had improved so much over the half term! In PSHE, we thought about dares and why sometimes they are helpful but often they can be harmful to us and other people. In French, we looked at how words can change depending on their ending and used this knowledge to learn a new choosing rhyme!
On Tuesday, we had our wonderful behaviour treat! We had great fun! On Friday, we loved watching the Year 6’s final musical performance, we were a super audience!
Well done for all of your hard work this half term, I hope you all have a wonderful and restful break ready for next half term!
Our French choosing rhyme! 🇫🇷

Week 6
What a busy week!
In English we stepped into role as Akimbo and his father to explain why the baby elephant should/should not come back to live with us. We thought very hard about using persuasive language to get our point across! We also created a plan for our own version of Akimbo and the Elephants using a different African elephant, we are very excited to write it next week! In Maths, we have been working very hard to add and subtract ones and tens by crossing the tens and hundreds, we found this tricky but worked hard to show our resilience! In Geography, we looked at climate change and the effect of global warming on the climate in Africa and different ways we can help, we are very excited to present this in a TV report next week! In Science, we looked at different materials and investigated if they were magnetic or not, we created a conclusion and found that most metal materials were magnetic. In Art, we used our knowledge of magnets to attach our weaves to our tie dyes and were so impressed with the final products! We also used fabric pens to add extra details and patterns onto our other tie dye. In PSHE, we thought about different thunks and how people have different opinions, we discussed our ideas and showed great respect to other peoples opinions. In PE, we used our bodies to connect together as a magnet and put these into a routine. In French, we consolidated our knowledge of numbers up to ten and looked at how the words were spelt and how some of the sounds were different or similar to English. In Worship, we focussed on the golden rule and how we could apply this in our lives.
On Thursday, we were so lucky to welcome Tri Kidz into school, we practised our swimming, cycling and running techniques. We worked so hard even when we were tired, super perseverance! On Friday, we also had a music session with Mr Richards, where we looked at the work of Pamela Z and explored the effects she used to change the music.
Tri Kidz October 2022

Week 5
This week has been amazing! 🌟🌟
In English, we have focussed on poetry. We learnt the elephant poem and then used word hippo to find synonyms for the adjectives and verbs in the poem before we created our own poems based on the same model. Then we looked at different African animals and created a new poem for a range of different animals, we have been working on our speaking skills by performing our poems for the class using actions and intonation! We are very excited to perform our class poem in front of the whole school next week! In Maths, we started our new topic of addition and subtraction and added and subtracted hundreds, tens and ones. We have wowed everyone with our super problem solving skills! In Science, we completed an investigation to test the strength of magnets. We used different magnets and moved the magnets backwards to see how far away we could get before the magnet stopped working. In Geography, we looked at the hottest and wettest places in the world and learnt some facts about the Congo Rainforest in Africa, we put our facts into the documentary below! In Art, we were very excited for the big reveal of our tie dye fabrics! Our work was fantastic and we started to create the weaves which we will attach on top of the fabric next week! In RE, we read some bible verse related to harvest and used actions to perform them for the class. In PE, we continued to show off our football skills, we are working very hard on our ball control and precise kicking skills. In Computing, we identified and searched for different devices and copied them onto a PowerPoint ready to present next week. In PSHE, we thought about being a good friend, we identified the qualities of a good friend and discussed what makes them special. In French, we started to write in French, we copied the French choosing rhyme Am, Stram, Gram. As part of black history month we started to learn about Alice Dearing, the first black British female swimmer on the Olympic team who works alongside the black swimming association to encourage and inspire a new generation of people to learn how to swim!
The Congo Rainforest!

Week 4
What a week! 🤩
In English, we focussed on non fiction texts. We identified the features of a non fiction before we researched Africa. We put our reach into a fact file before finally presenting it on Purple mash on Friday! We learnt some amazing facts! In Maths, we finished our learning on place value by comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000 and counting in 50s, this will support our learning next week as we start to look at addition and subtraction! In Geography, we looked at the hottest places in the world and explored Al-Aziziyah, Libya and wrote a letter home explaining what we could see, hear and feel! In Art, we were very excited to start our tie dying, we used elastic bands to create patterns before we painted the fabric. We can’t wait to see how they turn out! In RE, we looked at the Jewish festival of Sukkot and discussed how Jewish people celebrate it and why it is so important. In PE, we practised our kicking and control skills before we played small games trying to intercept the ball! In PSHE, we started to look at how we can solve problems, we performed drama actives to recreate different problems and solutions! In Computing, we looked at how computers are connected and thought about our own connections before we sent a message around the class and noticed how long it took! In French, we have been learning playground rhymes, we used the beat to help us remember the rhyme and were able to chose people based on this. On Monday, we were very lucky to have a Dance Africa workshop where we explored different African dance and put these into a routine!
Our French rhyme!

Week 3
What a wonderful week!
We have created the most amazing pieces of writing in English based on or focus text, The Fire Children. We have stepped into role of the fire children and created a diary entry including conjunctions and commas to separate the main and subordinate clauses. In Maths, we continued to explore numbers up to 1000 and used number lines to estimate where the number belonged based on our number facts knowledge. In Science, we used magnets to investigate the magnetic properties and importance of the North and South poles. We discovered that like poles attracted and different poles repelled. In Geography, we researched the climates of the North and South Pole and compared the two focusing on the differences in the animals and temperatures. In PSHE, we have been looking at our special people, we discussed who is special to us and what they do to make us feel happy. In Computing we designed our own devices and explained the different processes which they could do! As part of our celebrations of International Peace Day we created a peace pledge of ways we can be peaceful and maintain peace around us at home and at school.
Week 2
This week has been non stop!
In English, we explored some new vocabulary and used dictionaries to identify their meanings! We have been retelling the story of The Fire Children, we used actions, pictures and words to orally retell it before we rewrote the story using our Year 3 writing skills. On Friday we created a description of the Earth, we used adjectives, noun phrases, powerful verbs and adverbs to describe the setting. Miss Sivill was amazed with our fantastic writing! 🌟 In Maths, we have been exploring numbers up to 1000. We use base ten to represent the numbers before we partitioned it in different ways. We even started to use place value charts to help us with our understanding of the value of the digits. In Geography, we learnt about weather, climate and biomes around the world before we created our own weather report for Hoddlesden. We were very professional! In Art, we looked at the work of Anni Albers who used weaving to create patterns. We used paper to link the weft and the warp to create our own weave! In PE, we created our own dance routines using the ideas of magnets to connect different body parts to ourselves and others. We also continued to work on our throwing and catching skills and put these into a game of 2 vs. 2. In Computing, we continued to look at input and output functions before we started to design our own device on Paint 3D. In Spelling, we have been building new techniques to learn words ready to practise at home! On Tuesday, we had a visit from the Life Education team where we discussed our bodies and how we can keep ourselves healthy.
On Wednesday, we were very lucky to have our Outdoor Adventurous Learning where we worked on our trust and communication skills through team work activities before we used compasses to find treasure around the woodland. Take a look at our adventure below! 🌳🔥🧭
Outdoor Adventurous Learning September 2022

Week 1
A super first week in year 3! 🌟
We have had a wonderful week exploring our new classroom and starting our new topics. In English we have began to read The Fire Children, we looked at the front cover and created predictions about what we thought the story was about, asked questions about events in the story and created amazing setting descriptions. We have been working hard to apply our writing skills from year 2. We learnt that the story is a fable and we discussed how this is passed on and played our own game of Chinese whispers to see how stories can change! In Maths, we have been exploring numbers to 100, we have represented numbers using base ten and partitioned them in different ways. We are focussing on using STEM sentences to expand our reasoning skills. In Art, we created moodboards to plan for our own creation of a tie dye tapestry based on Native African colours and designs. In Science, we investigated how friction affected the movement of a car. We used different materials to test how a toy car moved and we found out that the car moved less on materials with more friction. In Computing, we started to investigate how computers are processed by at the input and output functions. In RE we discussed harvest and how it is celebrated in England and around the world. In PE, we wowed Miss Sivill with our throwing, catching and interceptions skills.
On Friday, we were saddened to hear of the passing of Queen Elizabeth and spent some time reflecting on her life and what what will happen now. We created portraits of the queen at different stages of her life.