A committed team
All adults who work at Hoddlesden St Paul's CE Primary and Pre-School, whatever their role, are committed to supporting children and work hard as a team to give our children the best possible start in life.
Last updated: January 2025
Senior Leadership Team
Executive Headteacher: Mr Christopher Dugdale (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
- Joined September 2016
- Previous experience includes System Leader in Blackburn; Acting Head teacher and Deputy Head teacher roles Lancashire; Ofsted Headteacher Referencing Group member; designated as a Local Leader in Education and former School Improvement Leader for a cluster of schools.
National Professional Qualification in Executive Leadership
- Currently Vice Chair of our local SACRE board; President of the NAHT Blackburn; Education Partner on the LA Children's Safeguarding Assurance Partnership and a Lead facilitator with a cluster of schools collaborating to form a Church of England Multi Academy Trust (Primary).
- Executive Headteacher of Meadowhead Junior School
Head of School & SENDCo: Mrs Adele Bass (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
- Joined September 2017
- Previous experience includes SENDCo, senior teacher and Early Help Lead; Specialist Leader in Education for Early Years; Education Partner on Edge Hill University Partnership Board
- National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership
Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Laura Bradley
- Joined September 2021
- Previous experience includes, senior teacher and Curriculum Lead
- National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership
Phase KS2 Leader: Mrs Helen Bullen (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
- Joined September 2017
- Previous experience includes, senior teacher and teaching & learning lead.
- Edge Hill University lead Education and Student Teacher Mentor
- National Professional Qualification in Middle Leadership
Phase EY Leader: Miss Millie Clayton
- Joined January 2019
- Early Years Leader for our school cluster of 13 schools.
- National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership (2023 Cohort)
Class Teachers
Pre-School: Miss Hayley Easton
Reception: Miss Millie Clayton
Year 1: Miss Amii Bateson
Year 2: Mrs Jen Harrison
Year 3: Mrs Laura Bradley
Year 4: Mrs Helen Bullen
Year 5: Mr Jack Edgar
Year 6: Miss Rebecca Holt
Support Staff
Early Years Support Team
Mrs Kym Marsden
Mr Lucas Robinson
Mrs Karen Schofield
Key Stage 1 Support Team
Mrs Elizabeth Fenwick
Mrs Kelly Briggs (SEND Support)
Miss Kylie McDermott
Key Stage 2 Support Team
Mrs Gillian Walker
Mrs Diane Sullivan
Mrs Claire Haddow
Mrs Kerry Townsend
Miss Leigh Walsh
Mrs Nadia Gottweiss
Staff on Maternity Leave
Miss Leah Whalley
Curriculum Specialists
These members of staff will support in the curriculum development, enhancement and delivery on a weekly basis across school. They will work with the class teachers to ensure staff subject knowledge and skill application is outstanding.
Play Therapy: Deb Howarth
French: Madame Wardle
Music: Mr Matt Richards
Performance Arts: Junior Jam
Computing: Junior Jam
Gymnastics: Mrs Catherine Winward
Swimming: Miss Kelly Sivill
Outdoor Sports: Junior Jam
Nurture Group
Leads: Mrs Adele Bass and Miss Millie Clayton
Lunchtime Nurturer: Mrs Kerry Townsend
Lunchtime Nurturer: Mr Jack Edgar
Lunchtime Nurturer: Mrs Helen Bullen
Lunchtime Nurturer: Miss Kelly Sivill
Lunchtime Nurturer: Miss Rebecca Holt
Go Beyond Before and After School Club Staff
Mrs Kelly Briggs
Ms Diane Sullivan
Mrs Elizabeth Fenwick
Mrs Kym Marsden
Mrs Karen Schofield
Mrs Nadia Gottweiss
Miss Leigh Walsh
School Administration Team
School Business Manager: Mrs Joanne Mackey
Finance Officer (Part Time): Mrs Mollie Downes
IT Technician: Mr Luke Noonan from BlueOrangeIT
Cleaning and Caretaker Roles
Site Supervisor: Mr Alan Gregory
Domestic Assistant: Mrs Ewa Dean
Domestic Assistant: Mrs Liz Patterson
Staff team of 30 employees, including all our class teachers and leaders. In addition, the school has contracts with 6 additional self-employed team members, who provide support in a specialised role or curriculum area.
Union Officials
During the academic year 2022/23, staff who are union officials have taken 0 hours undertaking union official actions.