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Year 6 - Ductu and British Gas (July 2024)

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Year 5 Ductu and Costco (July 2024)

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We are becoming a Pathfinder School! Coming Soon ... Summer 2024

Values Based Learning 2019 


In readiness of our new curriculum launch in September 2019, Hoddlesden St Paul's Staff and Children have been carefully piloting new and innovative sequences of learning. These have been underpinned by the children acquiring new skills and applying knowledge gained over time to 'real-life' connections. This has and will provide all Stakeholders with the opportunity to trial and adapt this pioneering intent and implementation ready for our bespoke Values Based Learning in the autumn term 2019. 


The learning that has taken place when children have had access to real life places of work, jobs and careers has ignited a learning that has accelerated academic attainment and progress. Over the years, the staff at St Paul’s have secured long lasting professional relationships with small, medium and large businesses that have enhanced our learning culture. These are local businesses that children’s parents, carers and family members work in, giving children ownership and a level of experience deeper than standalone classroom teaching.


Having bespoke curriculum links with start-up businesses, charities and entrepreneurs has opened children’s eyes to their true potential and also reengaged parents and carers to think about their own learning journey.


Working with a small number of businesses, the staff at St Paul’s have created a ‘Soft Skill’ learning sequence. These modules of learning are linked to the half termly learning and develop children’s ‘work readiness’ at an earlier age. We have been very lucky to have our local secondary feeder school support these learning modules in their KS3 and KS4 curriculum.

The aim of this initiative is to develop and broaden a curriculum enhanced by Business and Career Related Learning. The coordination and delivery of this programme is fulfilled by the expertise and specialisms of School and Business Leaders. 

The personal ambition, collaboration and futureproofing of the local area are common denominators shared by all stakeholders, committed to this programme. 


The purpose of this pioneering initiative is to enable all pupils across the Upper Key Stage 2 Primary Phase, the opportunity to access a universal curriculum that provides real life, authentic experiences of the workplace. As research demonstrates, ‘The literature has shown that perceptions about the suitability of different sectors and career paths are embedded in the minds of children from an early age.’ Further evidence suggests that, ‘Primary Career Related activities are most effective when they are planned, delivered and adapted depending on the age group.’


‘Importantly, it is not only a matter of engaging children narrowly with business (the private sector), but with all those who are employers, or who are employed.’ Working in isolation in any sector poses more of a risk or detriment to any organisations success, developments and future targets. It is with this thinking and risk assessment, that the collaborative practise between schools, employers and employees is the foundation of a successful programme. Drawing on the variety of practise and signposting from the committed businesses, creates the potential for significant success in children’s application of curriculum skill and Soft Skill Competencies.


Ultimately, this journey provides the catalyst for future scaling and to be a central stimulus for current and future leaders to develop, or redevelop key areas of need. This consistent whole school future scaling strategy, not only enhances aspects of the primary school curriculum but improves positive mind-sets of all stakeholders. This allows community growth that impacts on business prosperity to the local communities that we serve. To embed our Values Based Curriculum with Career Related Learning, organistations will need to work alongside other primary schools.  Subject Leaders will have an awareness of the transitions both pre and post the Primary Phase and this will ensure that shared vision and culture is consistent. 


The aim of this project is to provide a universal curriculum that engages and inspires all groups of pupils and their parents by generating memorable and authentic experiences. This will raise self-motivation, aspirations and positive mind-sets to learning and school life; something that their parents may not have experienced in their own education.

Kingswood Development - Careers

Publishing, Illustration and Media

Digital Blast Project- Business Partners

Year 5 went to Digital Advantage in Manchester to begin the Digital Blast project


Amongst other things, we learnt how to create websites and edit videos! This is going to be an incredible project to enhance our Computing skills and to prepare us for our potential future careers.


Have a look at our video creations here



Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
