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Hoddlesden St Paul's Church of England Primary School home page


Please find below our most recent Ofsted and SIAMS report.

Ofsted School Inspection Reports

The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Hoddlesden St Paul’s as a Church of England school are outstanding


The school is seen as a Christian family by parents, children, staff and governors. They are strongly committed to the distinctively Christian ethos and the Christian values which guide all aspect of school life.


The headteacher’s strong Christian vision and leadership provide a cornerstone for the success and excellence of the school. As a result, pupils make very good progress both academically and spiritually.


The pupils’ excellent behaviour and attitudes to life and learning are strongly influenced by the positive contribution of core Christian values which permeate the entire the curriculum.


RE teaching is of a very high standard and a highly appropriate balance of the study of Christianity and other world faiths is very successfully achieved. Consequently, pupils have excellent understanding of other faiths, beliefs, practises and value systems.


Collective worship is firmly rooted in Christian values. There is a clearly understood message that this time of the school day is of central importance and significance in the life of the school and its pupils.

SIAMS Church School Inspection Report June 2018

Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
