Our Learning Journal 24/25
Autumn 1 week 2
What a fantastic first full week back in pre-school! The children have settled in wonderfully and are beginning to follow the routines and rules and its lovely to see the new friendships being made.
This week we have focused on our core text ‘The Colour Monster’. The children listened to the story and could recognise the different colours and the feelings that the monster displays throughout the book. The children shared their experiences of when they have felt happy, sad, angry etc.
On Monday we had a visit from ‘Life Education’. Steven brought Harold the Giraffe to talk to the children about the importance of keeping ourselves healthy and clean. Making sure we brush our teeth, wash our hands regularly and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. They enjoyed singing lots of songs and following the actions.
This week in phonics we have focused on recognising environmental sounds. The children joined in with indoor and outdoor listening games. In maths this week the children have enjoyed number songs at circle time, taking part in finger rhymes with numbers.
During provision the children have explored in the creative area, painting self portraits and discussing their physical features and comparing themselves to others, how we look similar and different to our friends. In the maths area the children the children enjoyed jigsaws, the role play area was busy with children building relationships with friends and the children enjoyed exploring with the playdoh in the malleable area and being imaginative in the small world area with the doll house.
The children enjoyed their first gymnastics lesson with Mrs Winward. The children learned how to run on the spot, jump, sit in a straddle and a pike position. They also played a bean bag balancing game. Amazing listening skills Pre-school!
On Friday the children continued their French learning with Madame Wardle. The children practiced saying ‘Bonjour Madame’ and each other's names in a turn taking game. The children practiced a hello song in French with actions.
Next week we will continue with our core text ‘The Colour Monster’ and explore feelings.
Autumn 1 week 2
Autumn 1 week 1
What a wonderful start to the new term! A warm welcome to the new children and parents/carers that have begun their Pre-school journey at St Paul's.
This week the children have settled into the Pre-school routine and are beginning to learn new routines, rules and boundaries in Pre-school and around the school.
The children have enjoyed making new friends, building relationships with their teachers and exploring both the indoor and outdoor provision. We have read stories based on building new friendships such as 'Will you be my friend?' and 'Making Friends'. The children have enjoyed painting pictures of their new friends. The children enjoyed sharing photographs of the exciting adventures they experienced over the summer holidays and drawing their favourite things they did over the summer.
In the outdoor area the children loved exploring in the mud kitchen, sand and water area. The children enjoyed riding on the bikes, building with the construction and making marks on the creative table.
Next week we will be focusing on our core text 'The Colour Monster' and exploring the different feelings that appear in the story. Well done Pre-school, we are very proud of you!