Our Values Based Learning underpins the lives and curriculum learning of our pupils as individuals. Our positive ethos impacts on the whole school family and community. This has a direct influence on the entire curriculum, and most specifically on our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development. This is alongside the exploration of our Christian and British Values.
Schools are required to teach pupils about the British Values of:
Individual Liberty
The Rule of Law and
Children are taught how our values underpin everything that we do and gives us a meaningful context for British Values to support our understanding of how they underpin our society.
All curriculum areas provide our pupils to further their understanding of concepts so that pupils can embrace new opportunities with enthusiasm and demonstrate a good understanding of the application to their own lives.
Overall the skills and attributes developed through the teaching of values is to enhance the curriculum and improve pupils’ learning behaviours to raise attainment, attendance and pupil wellbeing.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) & British Values
Parliament Week with our Local MP and Pupil Parliament
The Art of Wellbeing
Dr Neil & Jane Hawkes - Inspiring our Journey!
Children's Mental Health Week!
We've been looking at how we can overcome some of our worries and fears by 'Finding Your Brave!' Classes linked it with our Christian Value this half term 'Courage'. It's important the children are aware of what mental health is and how part of being brave is asking for help!