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Hoddlesden St Paul's Church of England Primary School home page

Children in Need 2018


On Friday 16th November 2018 it is Children in Need. We are hoping to raise money to support this worthy cause and our School Council have a number of ways that the children can take part in.

· From next week, on Monday 12th November you can enter a ‘Design a Pudsey Bear’ to be displayed in school. It is £1 per entry. Please submit your entries to the school office before Thursday 15th November at 9:30am for the School Council to judge the winners. The winning designs will receive a prize in our Children in Need Worship on Friday.


· On Friday 16th November we will have a non-uniform day, children can wear something yellow or spotty for a donation.

We hope you will help us to raise as much money as we can,

Many thanks,

School Council

Start children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
